7.1 PAPI (Precision Approach Path Indicator System) as an aid to navigation. The glider landed a high light intensity
7.2 ALS (Approach Light System) as an aid to navigation, using lights mounted on the side of the runway. The plane landed To pilot a plane into the runway of the airport for
eight. Instrument Approach Procedure (IAP) and Standard Instrument Departure (SID) and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STAR)
Instrument Flight Procedure plan is to fly the route / area / height for safe Maneuvering
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power hot water
systems, electrical installation inside. airports assist Convenient to fly into the airport and landed, there are several kinds. But that will be repeated this time in a system that allows the pilot to glide into the airport, which is called a Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)
lights, PAPI used are present, there are two types
- APAPI to light two lamps
- PAPI lights are all four light
is mounted on the left side of the runway (runway) or it can be installed on the right side of the runway was. To the left, there is not enough space to install. The installation is beyond the line of the runway (Runway Threshold) to a distance of about 300 meters long setup can be changed. Depending on the size of aircraft If the aircraft is a very big range of installation may be more than 300 meters, but if a small aircraft may take up to 30 meters
, taking advantage
often use the airport small airplane coming down it is. a small plane There are two LED lamps when landing the aircraft. If the light is red, one white and one light fixture that is on the correct glide angle. If the light is red, the two lamps that are below the glide angle. Meanwhile, if the lights are white and two
lamps that are greater than the gliding
airport with medium and large lamps to four lamps during the descent to the airport. If the lights are white and two red light two lamps that are on the correct glide angle. If the light is red, three white and one light fixture that is slightly below the glide angle. Meanwhile, if the light is red, all four lamps that are lower than the heat. If the light is red, one white, three lamps and lanterns that are slightly higher than the pan. If the lamp is white, all four lamps that were higher than the very hot
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