1 step weaving materials. จักตอก bamboo
1.1. The saw bow saws to cut the first joints of bamboo leave to cut bamboo stalk convenient
the saw bow cut bamboo
1.2 cut bamboo stalk out lines. Other
.Using machetes to cut bamboo out line
1.3 จักตอก bamboo line is nailed, hammer and hammer stand long bamboo foot (the bamboo. A bamboo), width and length of the pegs, each approximately is long - standing pegs 150 200 cm wide, 1.5 - 2.5 cm long piles, about 8 M.1 - 2 cm wide and bamboo 1.6 2.0 cm - foot pegs which bamboo one sharpening จักตอก. Hammer stand used to weave a chicken coop has 1 leaves and long weave coop has 2 hammer leaf
the จักตอก style hammer stand long
2 ตอกตีน. Weaving coop
2.1. Use of hammer long weave a band head
.Characteristics of head
2.2 led the band head, three birds with hammer head stand is a random '
using hammer stand with the band head, woven into a'
2.3 use hammer long weave around. Any chicken coop to pattern one (one round cross one), by the beginning of a long wedge
.Each of the lines change position indefinitely to coop has
the spherical plain weave woven. Three birds with long pegs to forming
2.4 weave foot by foot pegs coop bamboo about 2 - 5 line
weaving foot makes base random coop athletic
.Use the hammer to hit random tighten up
2.5. The saw bow saws or use the axe to cut the hammer stand out at the foot of a chicken coop, long filed away. To the base rate
hammer stand protruding
2.The 6 materials weaving done to over an open flame to make. A fraction of a thorn of bamboo disappeared. The chicken coop, durable and
life more and more.
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