Pretty remarkable wisdom will come after the two sister. People throughout the Earth altar her beauty, deep, that they forget about Venus goddess. Venus became the rage of her temple will fall down to destruction, so she plans to destroy ideas. She instructs her son Cupid, he stabbed the girl with an arrow and make her fall in love with the most evil of the bad the ugly ones still alive. But when Cupid saw the bright minds in the glory of her he shot himself with an arrow instead. While thinking of her family and become concerned that she will not find a husband for even if people admire her beauty, that they always seem content to marry another man. Father of spiritual prayer to help Apollo and Apollo orders her to the top of a hill that she would marry no man. But the snake. Soul courageous instructions and accidentally fell asleep on the hillside. When she woke up, she found a beautiful mansion. Go inside her relax and enjoy fine cuisine and luxury treatment. At night in the dark, she met and fall in love with her husband. She lived happily with him never saw him until one day he told her that her sister has been crying for her. She has no desire to see them, but her husband said it was not wise enough to do so. The mind has confirmed that they visited and when they do, they become very combative hueng mansions of mind and quarter Green. They have concluded that the soul never saw her husband, and they convince her that she must sneak. Confused and conflicted Psyche opening the lamp in one night while her husband beside her. When she saw the beauty of Cupid sleeping on the bed crying because she's missing her faith. Cupid raised her because he's love and can't live with a trust are not. Cupid back to his mother Venus again who decided to leave the law pretty girl revenge. The mind while travelling throughout the territory to Cupid She decided to go to Venus in claims for love and forgiveness, and in the end when she saw Venus very good gods laugh aloud. Venus, she showed a pile of seed and tell her that she will have to arrange them all in one night if she would like to see kissing again. It is not possible for one person alone, but an Ant man and sort the seeds for her startling Venus and Psyche instruction to lie on the ground and eating only a piece of bread for dinner, but the austere dormitory the night easily. Finally, Venus commands her to retrieve the Golden Fleece from the river. She almost tooth Fang himself in the River because of the grief of her. But Kok said to her and showed her a gold piece collection of barbed wire, barbed wire, wood wool that caught it. The mind, according to these instructions, and send back a large quantity of Venus. The goddess is still surprised that it's now the mental commands to fill the bottles from the mouth of the ponphop River. When the spirit of the River, she realized that this task seems impossible, because there is a danger, therefore, that the stones. This time Eagle gives her and bottle. Venus still did not surrender. She challenges the idea that will go down to hell and have some of the beauty of Persephone, she in the amazing success of affection. About how to react to her, she will become the Venus boxes shit wondering, open the box and once accidentally fell asleep. At the same time, and it was found that looked at Cupid sleeping on her. He woke up, she makes the sleep spell back in the box and take her to Zeus for immortality for her. Zeus is considered to be a request for the Mother goddess and immortal. She is married and Cupid. Venus now supports the marriage because her son was married to the goddess, and because the idea is not to turn the attention of the people on the Earth from Venus.
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