Smoking article with impact on people in society. The new arrangement can be lit/rat spinel. บุหรี่เป็นสิ่งเสพติดชนิดหนึ่งที่มีอยู่อย่างแพร่หลาย ซึ่งหลาย ๆ มีความวิตกกังวลว่ามีแนวโน้มจะมีผู้ใช้สารเสพติดชนิดเพิ่มมากขึ้นแม้จะมีการณรงค์ไม่สูบบุหรี่กันอย่างแพร่หลายก็ตามที แม้จะมีการกำหนดโทษทางกฎหมายบางประการเกี่ยวกับบุหรี่ไว้ คือ กรมควบคุมโรค กระทรวงสาธารณสุข ได้เริ่มบังคับใช้กฎเกณฑ์ห้ามตั้งแสดงซองบุหรี่ตามร้านขายปลีก โดยถ้าร้านค้าใดที่มีบุหรี่จำหน่ายให้เขียนข้อความลงในกระดาษเอ ๔ เขียนข้อความไว้ว่า ที่นี่จำหน่ายบุหรี่ เพราะถือเป็นการโฆษณาสินค้าบุหรี่ ณ จุดขาย หากร้านปลีกร้านใดละเมิด จะมีความผิดตามมาตรา ๘ พ.ร.บ. ควบคุมผลิตภัณฑ์ยาสูบ พ.ศ. ๒๕๓๕ ซึ่งมีผลใช้บังคับมาตั้งแต่วันที่ ๒๔ กันยายน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๘ พระราชบัญญัติควบคุมผลิตภัณฑ์ยาสูบ ที่มีสาระสำคัญในการห้ามขายบุหรี่ให้กับเด็กอายุต่ำกว่า ๑๘ ปี หากผู้ใดฝ่าฝืนมีโทษจำคุก ๑ เดือน หรือปรับไม่เกิน ๒,๐๐๐ บาท รวมถึงห้ามขายสินค้าอื่นและแถมบุหรี่ให้ หรือขายบุหรี่แล้วแถมสินค้าอื่น และห้ามการโฆษณาทั้งทางตรงและทางอ้อม The law also covered non smoking which is valid, then it is the essence of health protection in the Act of smoking with the pivot Bush painstakingly 2535 (1992) to publish a non-smoking zone, which divides the County into 4 groups are non-smoking. -True non smoking area including bus and cars.Non-air-conditioned, and include taxi Air conditioned room and watch the train van marasop -All non-smoking zones are as follows: the school library, but, except for private rooms. -Almost all non smoking area: nursing The shopping center Governor and State enterprises If you are a smoker, smoke only in the designated smoking area. -Non smoking area with at least half of that area, such as the passenger train the General Cabinet.Non-food shop, and in General, only where there is air conditioning, but must not exceed the designated smoking area half of the total area. Despite the laws out.Controls on smoking, or punish those who abuse illegal about smoking but did not sleep because the drugs are easy to type. There are groups of all ages, to point out the results affect a person Description: There are 4 different compounds to cigarettes, there kinds of carcinogens 0 no less than 42, some harm is life. Substances nicotine Press the central nervous activity affects the glands, kidney, make it a category.High blood pressure disease. Heart beat faster than normal, and not a stroke. The arm and the blood vesselsShrinking legs. Add the fats in the blood Tar or tar substances as carcinogens according to different parts of the body. lung cancer larynx esophagus bladder kidney windpipe and other parts, which will be 50 percent of the tar to the lungs, causing irritation. Chronic cough with phlegm causes Carbon compounds Make a red blood cell is unable to capture oxygen.As with the usual lack of oxygen occurs. Make trance tired easily. This is why the decision to slow of heart diseases. Hydrogen cyanide is a toxic gas that destroys the skin lining air tubes. Do the symptoms occurred.And chronic cough with phlegm, especially in the morning on a regular basis. Nitrogen drivers out wide is the destruction of trees and bulbs lining bags inflate airbags causing Pong. Ammonium compounds Can cause burning eyes burning nose, bronchitis.I have so much phlegm. It's a color that, in substance, gum, cigarettes, smoke, radiation tarang Alpha is a cause of lung cancer. The most obvious thing for people who smoke or second-hand smoke is to make each page quickly deteriorate, erectile. Once aware of the effect caused by smoking. Many probably said that when smoking.The idea is difficult. There is a suggestion from the Hansa website that how to quit smoking, to memorize them in order to force compliance is a death, fear, mind. The second estate The enforcement of the mind. Those who want to quit smoking is a definite must is smoking. Trying to extinguish a bit patience, I would like to be in the first phase, thinking that cigarettes are bad Giles. Make the mind just evil guards. If this occurs, stop the pump, edgy arousing. Do not let the real. Therefore, the enforcement of the higher mind, Giles (smoking) is one way that helps us to abstain from smoking, and there is a real comfort. Scared to death Every time you think you will always keep in mind that the smokers smoking who would think that the only danger to the body? You may know or not know. -Smoking causes a normal person 10 years shorter life or a bolt at the pump will make each and every death is a 6-minute smoking speeds up the metabolism thing life to small small daily. -Smoking causes the condition of your body is not worth seeing, such as dry eye. Red lips, green eyes.Yellow teeth, nails are holding out. -Smoking causes operation of the body was shaking hands. Sound haep chronic coughBronchitis is a stomach wound and vascular disease that can cause death.Most lung cancer is. Except for the property before smoking, smoking should be contemplated only if each bolt with a burning your pockets get no compensation. Try to calculate the view that we must pay for the cigarettes per day? In a year? Just quit smoking. The amount can also be applied to the cost of their own necessities, or families will have more happiness is good health. For good health and to engage on drugs in children and youth. Ask an adult to everyone cooperation jointly suppress non-smoking children and teenagers due to smoking, it is the basis of access associated with other types of drugs. ************************** References The Ministry of public health. Non-smoking campaign, the Foundation and the Hansa website.
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