Farming in the future must take into consideration the environment and the need to invest in environmental protection standards, according to the current Policy, avoid Green. This flow of environmental conservation, which will outline are important factors in supporting the farm must be upheld and carried out correctly. Anyone wishing to make animal farm in the future, it is not easy. Whether it's a big suppliers or retail raiklang Characteristics of the livestock sector in the future, Thai seems to have been modified in accordance with the trend clearly in 6 main points. The following attempt to keep track of each other ... The notion of breeder and raw materials: Thai country must also depend on raw materials, animal feed and animal species from abroad. Whether it is a kind of raw material, soybean or corn, chicken, especially animals section. Thai country still needs to import all the varieties, which, of course, that these dependencies is that the production cost of Thai meat. Best pigs are considered our home has developed far enough, then it should not be worried, but however, regardless of whether it is any kind of economic animal. The importance is that the market can accommodate enough? The subject of the environment is the most important story: of today. Because of the current world focus on primary care for the environment. As a result, the standard has been raised by environmental and environmental investments shall require a tremendous money so that through support of environmental standards. These rules will be a farm operator screening. If there are no investments that are high enough, almost invisible way to own the farm animals. Because if you don't invest in the environment and understanding people around the sides. What will happen is that opposition from the community-local to the location of the farm. The story of the bundle: difficulties in animal farming occupation in the future from being compressed into the environment guidelines. Will result in a group, there are fewer farms? But small farmers, it is also a way out and survive. By combining a cube in Figure group, cooperative, or legal entity to achieve its potential and enhance cooperation in production and marketing. If there is a great power, it can become a major employer as well.
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