Ann thongprasom Born on November 1, 1937 2519 (1976) as bastard Thai-Sweden By Thai people as mother, father, as part of Sweden. The middle child is the. A brother and a brother who The นอาศัย live with grandmother By MOM to send up the first charge. This episode is our grandmother at nami age 70.
An nasamret study on elementary and junior secondary school high school school and thepleela bangkapi. Bachelor's degree from the Faculty of communication arts, University City, and master's degree. Thammasat University (journalism Management Branch)
The began of entertainment as advertising models in magazines. And the first book is a cute teenage magazines. Mother's friend who is a makeup artist. Working with singer r camp. 1992 promotion co., Ltd. has a 13-year-old to carry an active nawai taste music video, at นก็, showing a music video of a chick. Pisud set of exquisite music is ready to give up
.Earlier. The notmak is a member of the five-star fan club to get 20 percent discounts to see movies at 20 baht for sending money with photos. When the five star reviews, photos, so get to test the camera in recent years 2534 (1991) Ko ko PA used by males or females? At the age of 15 years, there has been peace, by Siri to the prom. Warut wontham, and hell I know early rit Ma show jewel, is regarded as the starting point in the professional show, before moving to become a repertoire ranging from TV show producer and TV drama.
.The nopradoem works with the first TV station in Telly Thai TV color channel 3 year 2535 (1992) in drama from time to time in the glass, and then the year 2536 (1993) it is fully formed and with drama in red pig army color TV station channel 7. Phairoj wari and son sang the Thai TV station with permanent color TV channel 3, with outstanding contributions from an array of articles about two twins. In the year 2540 (1997) finally start to sweep the awards show since tr.There are also double-hero and Sun Kwan is Ken Wong teeradej purr in famous descendants, the story shows a pair of strong shadows: the year 2544 (2001) 12-year sweetheart 2549 (2006) 2551 (2008) biang-year paradise formula affection and love 365 day year year 2552 (2009) 2553 (2010)
.In addition to the entertainment. The social work import As UNICEF ambassadors with Ken since the year 2551 (2008) and breast cancer project, diplomats of the Thai Red Cross Society since the year 2552 (2009)
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