Michael Jackson (English: Michael Jackson) (2501 (1958) August 29-June 25, b.e. 2552) is the full name that Michael Joseph Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson) or the brief call that MJ (MJ), or Jack spruce (Jacko), is an American singer who is very famous has been dubbed as King of Pop music, pop or.Michael Jackson started music career as the lead singer of the band The Jackson 5 at the age of only 7 years, and has released the first single on the album Got to Be There was released in the year 2514, while WONG is also a member of The Jackson 5 and Michael Jackson, just 11 years of age, was able to grab the # 1 on the charts the song up to three hits already.After regularly from concert from 2540 in March announced the concert, Michael 2552 is this Eagle at the O2 Arena. In London, England. Initially held only 10 rounds, but with music fans to pay attention to this concert is very simple. So have added around 50 rounds from July 8 to February 24, b.e. 2552 2553 (2010) [need reference], but it died before reaching the time it died from a heart attack. In the home, and authorities have released a sketch, Michael came to help regroup, but hardly to the UCLA Medical Center.
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