The English are two ways to read aloud (Reading aloud) and reading in mind (Silent Reading) to practice reading aloud to reading accuracy (Accuracy) and agility (Fluency) to vote. The reading in the reader to get to know and understand what they read, as read with purpose. As well as to listen to the different sounds for the perception of sound. As the reader will recognize the characters through the eyes. Reading English is a skill that can be trained to learn a skill and talent has intensified. With the technique, especially Teachers should have the knowledge and techniques to teach reading skills to students how to read each style successful techniques to teach reading skills in English (Reading Skills) reading English are two types. reading aloud (reading aloud) and reading in mind (Silent reading) to practice reading aloud to reading accuracy (accuracy) and agility (fluency) to vote. The reading in the reader to get to know and understand what they read, as read with purpose. As well as to listen to the different sounds for the perception of sound. As the reader will recognize the characters through the eyes. Reading Skills English is a skill that can be trained to learn the skills and talent to increase. With the technique, especially Teachers should have the knowledge and techniques to teach reading skills to students to read each style successful one. How Kinect 1.1. Enunciation Training students to read accurately and fluently. Should be trained in order Using the following methods: (1) Basic Steps of Teaching (BST) with the technical stage training as well as follow - teacher read 1 times / students listen - teacher read one sentence / students all read - teachers. Read each sentence / students read individually (you can skip this step. If most students read well) - Students read each sentence. The contiguous to end all - students practice reading it - random student (2) Reading for Fluency (Chain Reading) is technical training students to read each sentence consecutive to the sentence. Similarly, people who read the same The teacher called the student a random number from a chain such as Chain-number One teacher called students with numbers ending. 1,11,21,31,41, 51 are contiguous to read each sentence. If tripping or impedes the course is considered one of the chain to start on the first or change the new Chain-number (3) Reading and Look up the technical training to each student. Messages using Read that sentence, then looked up quickly like to say that reading the press (4) Speed Reading Techniques are taught to each student. Read the message as soon as possible as quickly as possible. These readings May not take into account the correct letters. But without reading the words. This practice naturally in reading fluency (Fluency) and to avoid reading, spelling, word by word (5) Reading for Accuracy is training more focused on the correct pronunciation and stress / intonation / cluster /. final sounds to match the rules of pronunciation (pronunciation) technique may be used in Speed Reading training. And increasing accuracy in pronunciation clear what they want. As a result, learners are able to read correctly (Accuracy) and Athletics (Fluency) coupled to a 1.2 reading in the process of teaching reading skills. Like the process of teaching listening skills divided into three activities is taken into reading activities (Pre-Reading) activities as reading or teaching reading (While-Reading) event after reading (Post-. reading), each activity can be used as follows: 1) activities leading to the reading (Pre-reading), the students will read with understanding. Should have some information about the substance to be read. Teachers may use the event to bring the students to have some information to help understand the context. Before you start, read the assigned basically has two phases: phase Personalization. As the dialogue between teachers and students or between students and learners. To review existing knowledge and prepare for new knowledge from reading stage is Stage Predicting the students guessing about to read. You may use pictures, charts, etc. related to the subject matter will then lead a discussion or debate, or to find out about any image or training activities related terminology. As underlined Or circle around the words in the message read or read about it to be read. To help the students understand the guidelines that will be read on any subject. This advance information is included. And find answers to the reading of such terms or review of existing knowledge. This appears to have substance. It can be used to tell the meaning. Or fill exercises, etc. 2) activity during reading or activity while teaching reading (While-Reading) is an activity that the students can practice while reading the message. This is not a test of reading, but "practice reading comprehension" activity during reading. Avoid activities that focus on the students to practice skills such as listening, speaking, or writing activities may have little interaction. This will help to divert the skills they need to practice their skills so unwittingly. Our activities while reading. Should be the following categories Matching is then paired with a limited vocabulary, Aquarius.
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