The teacher is a professional honours. The teacher is to educate students to everyone. The teacher is the person who taught me to read, write, also known as since I was kid. I would love to be a teacher because I wanted to convey that knowledge to the followers. As teachers convey knowledge to me. Being a teacher is not only of academic knowledge to teach students only. But teachers also must be a student Assistant, development of technical intelligence. Emotional and social personality with so A teacher is someone who provides warmth as well as students. People generally feel that a career as a teacher, hired boats that ferry people only. That is a point to negative attitudes towards the profession, teachers have made some people are choosing a career as a teacher, the last occupation.You will see that a good teacher must be filled with a spirit of understanding the principle of teaching sonkrabuan etiology, is not enough. Teachers need to know about psychology Because teachers have a way of living with people almost all the time, it is necessary to know the life of the human spirit that they have what it needs. Since education plays a critical role in helping youth develop both to the quick wit, intelligence, and personality to help provide youth with success in life. Every country, so find a way to promote quality education, with a standard of excellence.
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