Mr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet, serious man. Hewas shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings. Among friends, however, his eyes shone with kindnessand goodness.And, although this goodness never found itsway into his conversation, it showed itself in his way of life.He did not allow himself many enjoyable things in life. He ateand drank simply and, although he enjoyed the theatre, hehad not been to a play for twenty years. However, he wasgentler towards other men 's weaknesses, and was alwaysready to help rather than blame them. As a lawyer, he was often the last good person that evil-doers met on their way toprison, or worse. These people often carried with them Memories of his Politeness and fairness.
Mr Utterson's best friend was a Distant cousin CalledRichard Enfield, Who was well Known as a fun-loving 'Manabout Town'.Nobody Understand why they could Werefriends, as they were different from. each often took long walks Other in every Way.They Together, however, Marchingthrough the Streets of London in companionable Silence.
One of these walks used to take them down a Narrow Sidestreet in a Busy Part of London. It was a clean, busy, friendlystreet with bright little shops and shiny doorknockers. Nearthe end of this street, however, stood a dark, mysterious, windowless building.The door had neither bell nor knockerand looked dusty and uncared for. Dirty children Played fearlessly on the doorstep, and opened the door Nobody Ever Todrive Away them.
Day One, as Mr Enfield and his friend Passed the Building, Mr Enfield Pointed to It.'Have You Ever noticed that Place? 'He asked.'. It Remindsme of a very Strange Story. '
' Really? 'said Mr Utterson.'Tell Me.'
'Well,' began Enfield, 'I was on a Black Coming Home About Threeo'clock Winter Morning, when Suddenly I Saw Twopeople. The first was a short man who was walking along thestreet, and the second was a little girl who was running as fastas she could. Well, the two bumped into each other and thechild fell down.Then a terrible thing happened.The mancalmly walked all over the child's body with his heavy boots, and left her screaming on the ground.It was an inhuman thingto do.I ran after. the man, caught him and fetched him back.There was already a small crowd around the screaming child.The man was perfectly cool, but he gave me a very evil look, which made me feel sick in my stomach.The child's familythen arrived,. and also a doctor. The Child had been sent Tofetch the Sick Doctor for a neighbor, and was on Wayhome Her Again.
' "The Child is more frightened than Hurt," said TheDoctor-and that, would You Think, was the End of the Story.But,. You See, I had taken a short Man.So had the Violent Dislike to the Child's Family-that was the only Natural.But Doctor, Who seemed a quiet, kindly Man, was also Looking at Ourprisoner with Murder in his eyes.
'The. Doctor and I understood each Perfectly.Together we shouted at the Other Man, and told Him we would tell this Story all over London so that his NAME would be hated.
'He looked back at US with a proud, blach Look. "Nameyour Price. , "He said.
'We Made Him Agree to a Hundred pounds for the Child' Sfamily. With another black look, the man led us to that doorover there.He took out a key and let himself into thebuilding.Presently he came out and handed us ten pounds ingold and a cheque for ninety pounds from Coutts's Bank. Thename on the Cheque was a well-Known one.
' "See here," said the Doctor Doubtfully, "it is not usual for aman to Walk Into an Empty House at Four in the Morning Andcome out with another Man's Cheque for nearly a. Hundredpounds. "
'" Do not Worry, "said the Man with an ugly Look," I'll Staywith You open until the Banks, and the Chequemyself Change. "
' So we all went off, and the Doctor and the Prisoner Myself. , and spent the rest of the night at my house.In the morningwe went together to the bank. Enough sure, the Cheque Wasgood, and was the Money Passed to the Child's Family. '
' Well, well, 'said Mr Utterson.
' Yes, 'said Enfield,' it's a Strange Prisoner Story.My Wasclearly a hard, cruel Man. But the Man whose NAME was onthe Cheque was well Known all over London for his Kind Andgenerous Acts.Why a Man like that would give his Cheque to Acriminal? '
' And You do not know if the writer of the Cheque Inthat Building Lives? 'asked Mr Utterson.
' I do not like to ask, 'said his Friend.'In My Experience, it's not a good Idea to ask questions Too MANY, in the Case Answers are ugly, I've studied Violent Ones.But. the place alittle.It does not seem like a house. There's no other door, and the only person who uses that door is the man I've just described to you.There are three windows on the side of thehouse, which look down onto a small courtyard.The windowsare shut, but they're. Clean.There's always a Chimney Too, which is usually Smoking.So Somebody must Live there. '
The Two Men continued on their Walk. Utterson then Brokethe Silence.
'Enfield,' He said, 'You're Right About Toomany Questions.However not asking, I Want to ask the NAME of the Manwho walked over the Child.'
'Very well,' said Enfield.'He. US WasHyde told his NAME. '
' What does He Look like? '
' He's not Easy to describe, Although I Remember Him Perfectly.He's a Strange-Looking Man.He's short, but has astrong, Heavy's Something Wrong with his body.There. appearance, no-Something ugly and unpleasing, Somethinghateful.I disliked Him at once. '
Mr Utterson thought Deeply.'Are He used a Key You sure?' He asked.
'What do You Mean?' asked Enfield in Surprise.
'I. know it must seem Strange, 'said his Friend.'But yousee, if I do not ask You the NAME on the Cheque, iknow it's because it already ...'
'Well, why did not You tell Me?' said his friend. rathercrossly.'Anyway, he did have a key, and he still has it. Isaw Him use it only a Week ago. '
Mr Utterson looked at Him thoughtfully, but said Nothingmore.
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