Statistics that are used to analyze the information
. Data analysis in research using statistics in education. :
1. Basic statistic
1.1 per cent (percentage)
1.2 1.3 average (mean) and standard deviation. (standard deviation)
2. Statistics that are used to find out the quality of the quiz
2.1. Precision value (validity), the content and appropriate. By finding index value consistency between the content with the aim
2.2 find the confidence (reliability) of the entire quiz with calculation of coefficients of FIFA Women player nabak (Conbach)
3. study of the problem and fix using a qualitative content analysis of
the quality of the tool
1.Take the questionnaire to measure the English-language writing, thesis Committee for control and verification and inspection expertise, precision-oriented content and then adjust it correctly according to the Guide
2.Apply a query written in English to try it with a sample time 1: 10 people including students of grade 5/1 for the data quality of each test step and improvement for better examination
3.Take the questionnaire to measure English skills to experiment with a sample time 2 of 10 people, including students of grade 5/1 for the data quality of each test step and improvement for better examination
.How to perform data collection
1.A research carried out by bosses permission levels from school level educational area offices to collect data from a sample group and courtesy from the educational zone Office. So the school has student appointments correctly
.2. researchers prepare a questionnaire measure of students ' English writing grade 5/1 and the equipment available and sufficient to sample data analysis
.Analysis for the quality of the questionnaire measure of writing in English. :
1. quiz the write answer
1.1. Index value consistent with contact between the expected learning outcome
1.2. the difficulty of measuring queries written in English, the written replies
1.3. The complex precision condition of measurement query writing writing English answer
1.4. The power measurement resolution of queries written in English.
1.5. conviction of a questionnaire measure of writing English
1.6. The value of the confidence vote. The number of people, 2
statistics, which are used in research
1. finding difficulty value (P)
for detailed examination of the difficulty by the formula (Department of academic affairs. 2545 (2002): 66)
in the calculation of the formula is the index of difficulty of the test
R is the number of students who answered the test correctly,
N is the number of students who meet all the criteria of an easy difficulty
acceptable between 0.20-0.If the value is greater than 80 P a given criterion will need to update it or cut him
2. to find the power classification (R)
.A value analysis of the powers recognized as the appropriate list article that questions can be resolved and weak groups, groups or individuals who have a high feature classification from low feature (academic Department. 2545 (2002): 68)
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