The exercise can help prevent heart disease or not
From the study found that a regular exercise or to change the behavior of living such as walking, dancing, gardening can reduce the occurrence of a heart attack. But, if you want to make strong heart and lungs must be Aerobic exercise.You will also need to reduce risk factors in cardiovascular disease, with solid
will be working out how tough
If you would like to work out to • lung heart healthy exercise, you need to be 75 percent of maximum Heart Rate by at least 3 days per week, but if you want to reduce the weight you will be out in about 5 days
• If there is no space in the Run tool may be used to help manage your muscles called the need to use force to resist Resistant weight training, using 3 - 4 kg cardio 8 - 10 group by muscles, many partsshoulder chest legs, etc. each section, it is about 10 - 15 times to 2 days per week
• If you are sure you want to exit a AEROBIC by running or riding a bicycle or swimming, there must be an exercise of the heavy medium, you need to calculate your heart rate target to find30 minutes away is at least 30 minutes at least 3 times per week, or you can choose the type of sports that are divided into a light weight until
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