Thanks for all the birthday greeting Ask for the blessings as well as beget Chong, as well ^_^!Today is my birthday, "March 5" a day like any other day at ordinary restaurants.Nothing to exciting. In addition to call father who gives us with today. To measure merit to motherA real pity us ... and then we can go through the birth date is the same as any other day, quietly.But when we come to view his most friends found fet and its apartments, like a birthday greeting. We feel very glad there are many friends but the ones we don't know, but it's coming birthday.An invisible friend, but feel. Although it is not known to have never met at all.But considerate of everyone when we were not. Date of birth of our common desire to become special dates coming up soon.Wanted to say "thank you so much to everyone for the blessings, even as a few words.But it makes the recipient feel very good at all. Thank you, really.
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