Indonesian an area of 5,070,606 square kilometers.
With a population of 245.5 million people.
The capital city is Jakarta.
The regime is a democratic republic. With a president as head of state.
The official language is a bar, Bahasa Indonesia (Bahasa Indonesia)
, Islam (88%), Christians (8%), Hinduism (2%),
Buddhists (1%) Other (1%).
Currency is Rp. .
The national flower is the orchid flower Moon Orchid or evening. The orchid
species Phalaenopsis Amabilis.
Economic data imported goods, including oil, steel pipes, iron and steel products , textiles, chemicals. exports include coal, natural gas, minerals, wood products. Textiles. The major import markets including Singapore, Japan, China, the United States. The main export markets include the US, EU, Japan, China and Singapore.
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