Residential rental agreements made at ........................................... ........................................ ............... Date ...... Month ............... .. BC. ... ................. ... ................. this book do. During ................................................ residing at ...................................... ......... ..... ............. District / Sub ........................... ........ ... .. District / Area ............................... . Province .............................. .. hereinafter referred to herein as the "lessor" party with ........ ................................. .......................................... address at .......... ............... District / Sub ...................... ... ........ ... ..... City / town .................. .............................. .. ............ .. province, which further herein referred to as "tenants" the other party , both parties have agreed to a contract by the following terms. 1. "tenant" rental agreement and the landlord agrees to rent a room, living room, No. ...... .............. floor ....... ... .. To be used as shelters The rental rate per month ... ........ ....... Baht. (............................................... ...... .... ...... .. ......) the rent does not include electricity, water, telephone bills, which "tenant" to be paid to the lessor at the rate specified in the contract clause 1.2 1.1. "tenant". must pay rent in advance on a monthly basis. ....... Within days of each month. To tenants at the premises of the lease if the "tenant" breach of contract. Do not pay for accommodation and other services. Within the stipulated time Tenant agrees fined 50 baht per day 1.2. "tenant" to pay for rent, electricity and water supply .............. within days of each month. The lessor at the office of the lessor under the rate shown in the meter, electricity and water supply, which is set in place to check is the lessor charge of electricity, water, telephone at the following rates (1). electricity costs per unit ................... baht (2) ..................... per cubic meter water. THB 1.3 If the electricity and water supply less than 50 baht to 50 baht charge the lowest rates. Water and electricity rates during the term of the lease. The lessor has the right to change prices as they see fit. Without prior notice , inter alia. Tap water and electricity rates may fluctuate based on the fluctuations of the water tariff of MWA. And the power of the MEA 2. In this contract, "tenant" to be paid to the lessor as follows: 2.1. "tenant" paid the security deposit in the amount of ..... .................................................. ................... baht to users rent. Such insurance When the contract ends, not in any case if the "tenant" is not obligated to pay rent. Or cause any damage to the lessor. Lessor refund such amount to the "tenant", but if the outstanding rents. Or cause any damage to the lessor. Lessor refund such amount to the "tenant" But if the "tenant" to rent arrears or cause any damage to the lessor. "Tenant" to allow the landlord put the rent arrears or damages deducted from the deposit as possible. If such money is not enough. "Tenant" will also be liable to the landlord until 2.3. If the room is rented for 6 months and will forfeit the deposit 3. "tenants" will be cooking, or cooking in the property rented. Only electric stove only and must be used with caution, and if the tenant that the use of electric furnace that could cause damage and harm to those nearby. Or leased property The lessor has the right to immediately suspend the use of electric furnace No. 4. "tenant" must not modify, renovation or demolition of residential and property. In the room above Whether some or all of If they fail to call the landlord, "tenant" to such property restored. And called for a "tenant" liable for damages incurred any loss or damage of any damage. Due to the modification, renovation or demolition of such below 4.1. Prohibition "tenants" the nail or amendment within Article 4.2. Do more cables, switches, electric plugs, lamp. power, antenna, cable, telephone or appliances. The impetus to 4.3. "tenant" must maintain the leased property in a condition that is reasonably well maintained condition of the item. And to make minor repairs as needed. To preserve such property, and will be responsible for any damage, loss of property to rent even a force majeure clause 4.4. "tenant" to be a seeker. Appliances such as lamps, Star Putter, Karbala LLC to repair or replace parts lost 4.5. "tenant" will be responsible for any damage. The "tenants", employees, host of "tenant" or visitors. The cause of the leased property not in any case the goods if they fail. "Tenant" to allow the lessor to a fine of at least 300 baht (three hundred baht) for each point of hammering nails or modified and be responsible for the cost of repairs to property damaged it in the same condition again. With 5. "tenant" must rent a room without any sewage systems. And has a foul odor Or commit a deafening noise was a nuisance to others. Without normal Or do anything as a terror or a danger to nearby residents 6. "tenants" are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness tract communal living room at the front of the "tenant" and "tenant. "I must not take anything. Placed in the corridor above 7. "tenant" to take care of accommodation and property. Such rooms as their own property. And must be kept clean at all times 8. "tenant" to be responsible for the loss, damage or any damage. Happening to the living room and property. In the room above 9. If there is something illegal. Or the offense occurs in a lease is not a "tenant" or satellites of "tenant" or other "tenants" be taken or occur, or cause. "Tenant" to be responsible for all aspects of Article 10 if damaged. Fire, flood, earthquake Gate
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