Builders: Company username policy / แอโรสปาติออง (English / French)
type:? The aircraft was flying with a pilot 3 supersonic recognize those calculated passenger seat 128 seat
engine:Turbo jet Rawls - Royce / Snake sharp, Olympus 593 number 610 hard drive, the 17 260 kg and increase thrust again 17% when using the combustion end. The 4 device with sound collecting machine and equipment back thrust wings 25.60 m
: long: 62.17 m
high: 12.19 m
wing area: 358.25 square metres
empty weight: 78 700 kg
, loading, regular: 11 340 kg
load, maximum: 12 700 kg
weight ran up the maximum: 185 065 kg
weight down, the highest: 111 130 kg,
.Travel speed, advanced 2 179 km / h
rate of climb at sea level: 1 525 meters,
altitude use: 60 000 feet, speed run up: 300
km / h speed down: 180 km / h
distances did away 10.7 meters,: 3600 m
distance down from 10.7 meters: 2 220 m
range, fly: 4 900 kilometers, When there is a heavy truck industry highest
7 215 kilometers when fuel tankers, maximum.
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