After the little interlude of Zi Ling forcibly pulling Chu Feng into h การแปล - After the little interlude of Zi Ling forcibly pulling Chu Feng into h แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

After the little interlude of Zi Li

After the little interlude of Zi Ling forcibly pulling Chu Feng into her group, the event finally officially started.

The two groups split up and went forward. As they were led by the two manager elders, they headed towards the so-called safe area.

In the group Chu Feng was in, there were almost five hundred males but only fifty females. Other than the manager elder who was responsible for leading the road and Liu Zhizun, all of the other males were people who were participating in the Marriage Gathering.

So, because of that, there were many wolves but little meat. In fact, there were many, many wolves, and very little meat.

In a situation like that, the young geniuses from all directions started to give it their all to gain the favors of the beauty geniuses.

Especially Zi Ling. There were countless males who wanted to approach, but those who did get close to her were all coldly yelled at to scram by Zi Ling. Even those who received the Prestigious Invitation Letter, Song Qingfeng, Bai Yunfei, and Liu Xiaoyao, were no exception.

When they faced that scene, even the manager elders could only helplessly shake their heads and did not dare to interfere. Although by rejecting people a thousand miles away, Zi Ling went against the idea of the Marriage Gathering, as long as they thought of the lady’s special status and her monster-like strong grandfather, who even the head of the villa feared, that manager elder could only watch and do nothing.

But there were exceptions for all things. Chu Feng was such an exception. Although Zi Ling stayed a thousand miles away from other males, she pulled Chu Feng next to her and even if Chu Feng wanted to leave, he could not.

The thing that was the most intolerable was after a while of escaping without results, Chu Feng actually started to become unrefined and not only did he start to work his ways in becoming friends with Zi Ling, he even occasionally took some small advantages from Zi Ling. That truly caused other to be unable to continue looking.

In fact, Song Qingfeng, Bai Yunfei, and Liu Xiaoyao, the three people who recognized themselves as the pride of the heavens all walked to the front of Chu Feng, stopped the path in which Chu Feng and Zi Ling was walking on, pointed at Chu Feng, and fiercely reminded,

“Boy, behave yourself! How can Lady Zi Ling be touched by you?”

At that instant, the face of Chu Feng who was currently speaking his heart out to Zi Ling instantly sank. He originally wanted to speak and curse, but before he even opened his mouth, Zi Ling who was to his side actually spoke instead.

“None of you need to interrupt the matters between me and Chu Feng. If you block my path again, don’t blame me for being impolite.” Zi Ling’s voice was pleasant, yet had plenty of domineeringness, as if she truly did not put the three people in her eyes.

“We…we…” At that instant, Song Qingfeng and the two others were first taken aback, then following that, their faces instantly turned ashen and they didn’t know what to do. They were originally thinking to stick out for Zi Ling, but who would have thought that a burst of lashing was exchanged back.

However, they truly did not have any excuses, so at the end, as the crowd was watching, they could only slip away gloomily. They really lost all face, yet they could not do anything about it.

“Heh. Are you still saying that you don’t like me? If you don’t like me, why did you help me?” Chu Feng chuckled, and as he spoke, he extended his hand of evil towards Zi Ling’s well-developed little waist and got closer.

Although he did not know why Zi Ling kept him by her side, whether it was because she only wanted Chu Feng to be the target of maliciousness or if she truly wanted to have Chu Feng within her line of sight, or other thoughts, Chu Feng took this chance and started scoundrel tactics against Zi Ling. It was to harass her and do all sorts of shameless things.

What Chu Feng wanted to do was to cause Zi Ling to be angry so she wouldn’t always have her eye on him. Only then could Chu Feng have a chance to escape that group.

Because looking at it currently, the group was no longer safe. Chu Feng truly did not know what kind of dangerous situation he would sink into after the manager elder left. Not to mention others, even the unfathomable Zi Ling was a huge threat, so he had to quickly leave.

And as she felt the hand of evil that Chu Feng extended over, Zi Ling’s little face changed and she quickly evaded it. She also fiercely glared at Chu Feng and said, “You better not imagine that your affection is being returned. I just don’t like anyone bothering my business and I was not helping you.”
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Little na die Interlude van Zi Ling geweld Trek in haar Chu Feng Groep, die geval uiteindelik amptelik begin. Die twee groepe Stuur Verdeel en gegaan. As hulle deur die LED Twee Bestuurder ouderlinge, hulle die rigting van die sogenaamde veilige area. In die Groep Chu Feng was in, was daar byna vyf honderd en vyftig mans maar wyfies net. Anders as die bestuurder wat verantwoordelik was vir die leiding van die Ou Pad en Liu Zhizun, al die ander mans was mense wat deelneem aan die huwelik Versameling. So, as gevolg van daardie, maar daar was baie wolwe min vleis. Trouens, daar was baie, baie wolwe, en baie min vleis. In 'n situasie soos dié, die Young genieë uit alle rigtings begin gee dit hul almal die guns van die skoonheid genieë. Kry Veral Zi Ling. Daar was talle mans wat wou nader, maar diegene wat kry naby aan haar is al koud geskree om Skoert deur Zi Ling. Selfs diegene wat die gesogte uitnodigingsbrief, Qingfeng Song, Bai Yunfei, Liu en Xiaoyao, was geen uitsondering nie. Wanneer hulle gekonfronteer toneel dat selfs die Bestuurder ouderlinge net hulpeloos kon skud hul koppe en kon dit nie waag om inmeng. Hoewel deur die verwerping van mense 'n duisend myl weg, Zi Ling het teen die idee van die huwelik te samel, so lank as wat hulle gedink het van spesiale status van die vrou se en haar monster-agtige sterk oupa, wat selfs die hoof van die villa gevrees het, het Bestuurder ouderling. waak en kon net niks doen nie. Maar daar was uitsonderings vir alle dinge. Chu Feng was so 'n uitsondering nie. Hoewel Zi Ling gebly 'n duisend myl weg van die ander mans, Sy het Chu Feng langs haar en selfs al Chu Feng wou weggaan, hy kon nie. Die ding wat die meeste Intolerable was was na 'n rukkie om te ontsnap sonder resultate, Chu Feng. eintlik begin om onverfynde geword en nie net het hy begin om sy maniere besig om vriende te maak met Zi Ling werk, hy het selfs soms 'n paar klein voordele van Zi Ling. Wat werklik veroorsaak Ander nie kan voortgaan Op soek na wees. Trouens, Song Qingfeng, Bai Yunfei, en Liu Xiaoyao, die drie mense wat hulself erken as die trots van die hemele al gestap na die voorkant van Chu Feng, gestop die pad waarop. Chu Feng en Leng Zi is Stap op, wys na Chu Feng, en herinner rondgejaag, "Boy, gedra jouself! Hoe kan Lady Zi Ling word geraak deur U? " Op daardie oomblik het die gesig van Chu Feng Wie is tans uit Gesprekke met sy hart Zi Ling onmiddellik gesink. Oorspronklik hy wou praat en vloek, maar voordat Hy selfs sy mond oopgemaak, Zi Ling Wie was eintlik het met sy span plaas. "Nie een van Jy moet die sake onderbreek tussen My en Chu Feng. As Jy Weer Blok My pad, moenie my blameer vir die feit dat onbeskof. "Zi Ling se stem was lekker, maar het baie heerssug, asof sy regtig wou nie die Drie mense in haar oë. " Ons ... ons ... "Op. daardie oomblik, Song Qingfeng en die twee ander is die eerste uit die veld geslaan, dan volg dat hul gesigte onmiddellik omgedraai vaal en hulle het nie geweet wat om te doen. Hulle is oorspronklik gedink om uit Stick vir Zi Ling, maar wie sou kon dink dat 'n sarsie van lashing terug is uitgeruil. Maar hulle werklik het geen verskonings nie, sodat aan die einde as die skare Kyk, hulle kon net glip. weg bedruk. Verlore Face regtig hulle almal, maar hulle kon niks daaraan doen nie. "Heh. Is jy nog steeds sê dat jy nie soos ek? As jy nie hou van my sê: Waarom het jy my help? "Chu Feng lag, en soos Hy gepraat het, het Hy sy hand van die kwaad teenoor Zi Ling se goed ontwikkelde Little middellyf en het nader. Hoewel Hy het nie geweet hoekom Zi Ling. het hom deur haar kant, of dit was omdat sy net wou Chu Feng om die teiken van ondeug wees of as sy werklik wou Chu Feng het binne-in haar lyn van sig, of ander gedagtes, Chu Feng het hierdie kans en skelm taktiek begin teen. Zi Ling. Dit was om allerhande skaamtelose doen en dit skrik aanjaag haar goed. Wat Chu Feng wou doen, was om Oorsaak Zi Ling om so kwaad Sy sou nie altyd haar oog op hom wees. Eers dan 'n kans om te ontsnap wat Chu Feng Groep. Kan hê omdat ons kyk na dit op die oomblik, die Groep was nie meer veilig. Chu Feng werklik nie weet watter soort gevaarlike situasie waarin hy sou sink in nadat die bestuurder ouderling links. Om nie eens te praat van ander, selfs die onpeilbare Zi Ling is 'n groot bedreiging, sodat Hy moes vinnig te verlaat. En as die greep van onheil Sy voel dat Chu Feng uitgebrei oor, Zi Ling se gesiggie en verander vinnig Sy ontwyk nie. Sy het ook heftig gluur Chu Feng en gesê: "Jy beter nie dink dat jou liefde word teruggekeer. Ek hou net nie van enigiemand pla my besigheid en ek is jy nie help. ".

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