.The project is aimed to study the chicken curry. That contains what and how to bring it in daily life.And the concept to project up to help the students study the next
.The results of this study and project found that The chicken curry is how to make easy the
.- eggplant and medicinal properties of eggplant is to help reduce cholesterol levels, parasite, and reduce blood sugar levels. Besides, eggplant also contains substances that may inhibit the growth of liver cancer cells, and colon cancer.Diuretic and expel the tips for the cook, who don't want to cut the eggplant. A dusky look unappetizing is when the cut to soak into the water salt immediately
.- kaffir lime leaves, herbs are often used to cook properties have many, such as to expel the blood circulation, strengthens the heart circulatory system. Cough, reduce inflammation of the muscle, solve the bruised in contraction. The abscess within.The essential oil of bergamot reminds me thick and black
.- basil, the properties of the herbal medicine variety. Fresh leaves of basil has properties for flatulence inflationary expel from the gut. Boiled water is used to solve the wind, dizziness, help digestion, or compress the edit mask and arthritis. Inflammation and the fresh leaves boiled together.A cold sweat, if the child abdominal pain, use 20 basil leaves. Brew, hot water and bring milk children drink for drug driving wind, dry basil with boiled water properties against bacterial pathogens
.- red chilli pepper capsaicin (capsaicin) in red chili makes prosperous food. Help the digestive system better cold drive wind help pump blood to help prevent coronary heart disease, and maintain the pickle liquor or elements mixed with vaselinePaint you sprain, pain of the bruised. Improves blood circulation, and also has a high. The substance that helps fight free radicals which cause cancer, early diuretic relieve strain on the body!Coconut milk, coconut milk - in many kinds of vitamins minerals and electrolyte, including potassium, calcium and chloride saturated fat. Saturated fat in coconut oil is made up of short chain fatty acid and medium chain quickly.So although saturated fat is high. But the coconut can help in weight loss has
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