The Administration focused on using empirical theory is to build a strong knowledge in Public Administration. Political science is emerging due to the lack of knowledge more. However, considering the science sole aim is legitimate or not. The Administration is subject to the administration wants to use. To the knowledge in practice. The technical aspects of knowledge alone is not enough to rely on norms, values and experience to assist in decision making. Policy and work There may be an argument that the Administration took the philosophy, values, experience and wisdom used to work. Political science, it makes far more. I do not walk according to the accumulated knowledge of science. But it may be asked, and Public Administration is a science to it. The science is strong and can be used or not. Because the Administration is required to apply in practice than theory building management to lead a pure science. It should also focus on theories put into practice the policy of the government and public organizations. To create value and benefits to society of equality, justice, which is essential to every society because society has flourished all but a society with good management efficiency are therefore promoting the theory norms in public administration it. will help strengthen the public administration in the values and philosophy that will help managers make decisions. Policy and to analyze problems. The system also looks at the Public Administration Theory Frederickson and Smith (2008: 4) says it is more than a science, pure science applications. That the application of science will have to modify the content knowledge in accordance with the changing social conditions. Many cases, the Public Administration Theory must be challenged and contested because it can be applied in the real world or in practice. The advent of the new Public Administration (New Public Administration) is an example of one that is caused by the Public Administration Theory in those not responding to the various theories. In American society at that time. While American society are many problems. The problem of anti-racism Vietnam War And crime issues But those days, it has repeatedly described the Public Administration Theory. To enhance performance Which is inconsistent with the social problems of the time. Therefore, the integration of academics Public Administration proposed a new approach that is consistent with the reality of society. So there are many cases where the application of science in Public Administration Public Administration Theory is the basis of norms. Is that what you propose to do. What should not be an argument that the empirical theory to explain and describe the advantages that can be predicted. It was clear (Precision) can be tested or proved as interpersonal theory. Or the theory of scientific management, which causes the power to predict which is an important feature of the theory. But what is clear, can get into the details, it will be useful to look at the big picture or frame. No one can study the process is complex to cause consequences. What empirical theory of Public Good is what Frederickson and Smith (2003) noted that the slides individually. The details, however, lack of continuity and an overview of the advantages of the theory, which focuses on the normative implications associated with qualitative research, quantitative research, coupled with the proximity to empirical research. This enables administrators to understand overview of the system in the frame. They also realized the development and the process of policy management or continuous complex clearly. The Administrators have the ability to visualize and analyze the whole system. The Theory of Public Administration in the latter's favor in this. Whether it is theoretically Critical Theory, New Public Management, Refounding Public Administration or Postmodernism Theory, etc. that does not mean that such a debate should focus on the creation of public administration theory norms. If you need to develop knowledge in Public Administration along. Well-developed knowledge of the principles of public administration theory and present empirical theory normative implications, because there are advantages and disadvantages to complement each other. A combination of core academic practices of public administration must be applied with regard to the environment. Change and enhancing the knowledge of science-based approach to public administration to support the approach to enhancing the knowledge-based philosophy as well. Democratic Primary Equality Home Performance This will make the Public Have a solid foundation to develop into a strong science applications in the future.
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