Chapter 3 research how
The study is a survey (Survey), using a questionnaire and comments of participants continued to manage learning, reading and writing skills in English. By using the taught.
1. population and sample
2. A tool used to explore the process of creating 3
Tools 4. Data collection
5 data analysis 3.1. Population and sample population and sample groups
.The population used in this research is that the students grade 6 kindergarten uthumphon phisai affiliated with area offices to study the elementary 4 class 2 district, SI SA KET. Number of students: 131 The students grade 6/1 kindergarten uthumphon phisai-affiliated offices, elementary education zone 2 zone using random methods Sisaket simple (Simple Random Sampling) by way of raffle. Room lb6/1 of 30 people
3.2 Tools used in the survey
tools used to study this time contains
3.2.1 queries, opinions of the students continued to learn the skills of reading and writing in English. By using the taught-k w & Le lat
3.2.2. A number of learning management plan 5
3.3 the process of creating tools
3.3.1. Query
1) consult textbooks
2) mix of queries between the questions at the end of closed and open-ended
3) written statement contains. The purpose of research, analysis, and instructions on how to answer the questionnaire
.4) queries to check the precision (Validity) by the Group of experts to examine and suggest
suitability of the article in question, and the language that is used to verify the accuracy. (Validity)
5) brought the test to try (Try-out) with a sample which is leading students
.Grade 6/2
6) update to complete the questionnaire and to publish
3.3.2 step by step to create a learning management plan k w & Le lat 1) document and study of
researches related to the teaching k w & Le lat
.And learn the essence of learning standards and indicators the essence of learning a foreign language (English) Grade 6 curriculum on the basic study of Buddhist kaenklang 2551 (2008)
.2 analytical study) content to event planning teaching.
.Content from various sources to the local learning by taking into account the difficulty easily. Idioms and grammatical structure. The number of 5 per hour 2 phaen total 10 hours as detailed in table 1
. Table 1 shows details of the story in a five lesson plans for the teaching plan of story
2 AnubanUthumphonPhisai 2 School Sisaket 2
4 2
3 SaKamphaengYai Prasat KhurangSuphatto
2 Long 5 Mai Poo – Roasted Chicken Madan 2
.3) who shared the research content, learning plan, audit advisors
improvement for difficulty and the suitability of the content of the classes, and then bring the learning management plan writing k w & Le lat
. 4) create a plan to manage learning to teach a k w & Le lat by Donna Ogle's concept
. 5) learning management plan proposed to the experts to check the consistency between the consideration of the learning standards. The purpose for navigation purpose, destination, content, media, and learning activities 3. (Rating Scale) according to the method of Li khoet (Likert) for which quality level 5 levels (merit watching SI SA, 2545 (2002): 99-100)
6) learning management plan to rectify the fault management process
learn. Learning media. Measurement and evaluation are published to.
. 7) implement learning management executives for allowing suggestions and applied to a sample of 3.4
. Data collection
Researchers continue to collect data manually with a questionnaire with a group, for example, between October 15, 2013 – October 14, 2013 3.5
3.4.1 data analysis. Find the IOC's questionnaire and the consistency of the plan
3.4.2 data from the completed questionnaires, analyze the average (Mean) value of the standard deviation (Standard Deviation) fee per cent (the Percentage), using the SPSS program for Windows version 16.0
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