The Power of Colour.As we know, that the benefits of fruits and vegetables that are rich with vitamins, minerals and yards kinds that are beneficial to the various mechanisms in the body. And the properties of a fiber. A nutrient that helps reduce the absorption of cholesterol and fat Leste school (the biggest enemy of slender, pretty and your health.) helps the digestive system digestive system. Besides these properties and normal work in fruits and vegetables also contains special. Which act like drugs help prevent some diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc., but will eat to the body to get the protection from illness. He recommended to eat a wide range. To clear up a bit is, eat at the 5 color in colorful 5 is whatFirst, the green vegetables, fruits, green: green leafy vegetables of all kinds, such as blocks, Koli, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, cabbage, Cha is a first color, everyone will think of when talking about the vegetables. Substances that green vegetables is chlorophyll. There are also other compounds with health promoting properties such as lutein is an antioxidant, Reduces the incidence of degeneration of the retina.The second yellow, Orange: vegetables, fruit yellow, orange pumpkin, jackfruit, corn, carrot, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, pineapple, in color groups. This is an antioxidant, several together, ragamuffin, such as beta - carotene flavonoids vitamin C, which help maintain a healthy heart, blood vessels. And the immune system in the body and reduce the chance of getting cancer encourages the removal of cancer cells of the body.The third red vegetables, red fruit: watermelon, tomato, strawberry, cherry, apple, red, Roselle, beetroot, the material is famous in this group is lycopene. It is discovered that reduces the incidence of prostate cancer by your man. And reduce the fat content of LDL in the blood. Also, red food also take care of heart health. The blood vessels and the urinary system. Reduce the risk of cancer.The Fourth Red Purple: purple red fruits and vegetables: cabbage purple eggplant, onion, Black Eyed Peas / red sticky rice, black rice, purple, white Lilac, prune fruit family.
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