"The future is not, of course, there were questions whether the idea will do what? The future is what will be, as of now, I don't have the answer is not clear. I know I need to finish school in a master's degree first. In the bio-technology industry branch. After graduating I probably find work that matches the students branch. I want to work in agencies of the Government, because it is what I crave a fan to wear uniforms and that is what I want you to be my mother and what I intend to do after classes are functioning family parents Bill and wanted to buy a home, purchase a car, a small joint venture owned by sara herself, all of this is based on what I thought were good. That the future is what ไมา can define, but one thing that can be done is to use live today and enjoy it. My idea might look like a typical kid, but I hope that someday it would come true.
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