Nicolaus Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus)
19 born February. 1473 City torun, Poland
died 24 May 1975. 1543. City, the front of Polish
.As astronomers after Aristotle famous with the theory. "The earth is the center of the solar system." the Copernicus is polish. Born into a wealthy but lost his father since he was a child, he is in the rule of the uncle.Which plays an important role in him the most. And look forward to want him to be a doctor. He came to study in preparation, such as mathematics, geography, medicine, astronomy, and Ben Needles, he turned his attention in the field of astronomy.To the degree doctor's degree at the University of Ferrara Italy but uncle he doesn't like, he decided to study the doctor again at the University of Padua, the simple ทาลัย Until graduation, he specializes in the legal, medical, and philosophy of religion.And astronomy, which after his uncle died. He is interested in astronomy. The study. Based on theory of other astronomers study as a guideline about the rotation around the sun.But conflict with others and doctrine. Until he died of books and his discovery has been published to the public eye called "orbital revolution of the stars in the sky." (De Revolutionibus Orbrium Codestium) and the theory of the 3 items were
.The sun is the center of the solar system. The earth and other planets to spin around the sun takes 365 days or 1 years and cause ฤดูกาลขึ้น
.The roundness of the earth is not flat, just like that. By the time world revolve 1 days or 24 hours and causes day and night!Planets that orbit around the sun is in a circular motion. But astronomers say an ellipse generation
.Copernicus is considered the most accurate astronomers location theory As a guide to revolution and the old belief in education in the present day, he devoted to work the heavy and astronomy, medicine.In the monetary policy with the principle. To solve the problems of deflation in our country Poland have
the discovery of Nicolaus Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus)
.The theory the earth orbits the sun (Copernicus Theory) by this theory says that the solar sun universe, earth, other planets to revolve around the sun. And the world are amorphous spherical.
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