In the wild, the vast and rich stuff, which, of course, is a source of wildlife including bears, remove large and tired like to travel for tasty eating honeycomb. It is of my favorite bear. because this bear that eats very skillful honeycomb start extremely rare.One day, walking, hungry bear into the garden of the nearby villagers to go and see Beehive where he finds it, and eat it with the delicious food lack long-like. Those bees they have suffered because it will all come to the nest to a lot on the whole, Therefore, these bees therefore tries to fight using weapons in a physical assault on the bears."It's a very thick leather could not access the crook." The bees then one speak up after trying to embed the steel sleeve in the thick of the bear."And then we'll do something else. It ate all our nests. "These bees, they try to find a way to hurt the bears, but it is not thought out. The bears took part but without biting the bee tens of flying at the midpoint to come around him."If we don't do something the nest will eat 'em all.""Like this ...". Bees, for speaking with the fervor of the plan with the others listen."Iron cannot be embedded in the iPod touch is on the bear's fur is because yupyap why not embed into that face, because the page is less likely to cross section buried in steel."When these bees have heard so it's ready in the same time embedded in your page, the evil bear. Result, it cried out with pain and the need to flee into the forest.
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