My future. Step children, everyone has a dream that we would want to be. For me, I had a young dream. He wants to be a kindergarten teacher is learning now, but when I studied elementary, I have dreams like a doctor, but when I step into a junior secondary class, I have a feeling that I don't like studying science tattoo? Enough to come study in the high school class I study in the language selection-math. Because I feel that math and language is nothing more than a, I also do not have to work hard and with science as a major that I don't like. Make the dream of becoming a doctor, I would like to rekindle the idea until now, almost to the ends and then must decide whether to turn to? What is a way that we truly need. What will be the way that we love as we would like to make a career as what we do best, or is capable of, we have something that matches our personality. This thing here is to help yourself, and that's what a family is something that I love and make it a long life. Is what makes me have stability in their lives, which is mentioned. I was referred to as "professional judges", which is a profession I have ambition in this size. I think it will make this profession I have a stable career in the future as I will have to go through life, because my personality is a match I like to read, to write love notes love, justice, love, professional judge, I think that the cause of Justice in society assist those suffering to get justice.
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