According to the history log 3,000 years before the ร้เมื่อ found that thrill ride through the tribal o Messina (Olmec) which is the first tribes occupied Habitat of tropical rainforest area in the South of the time cruise on the Gulf of Mexico (Veracruz). Is discussed, the words cacao, cocoa and is described as hot and humid weather and needs shade to growth similar to the nomenclature of the Olmec tribe, so several historians, so it is believed that the growing ethnic tribes, first cultivated cocoa trees to use as sur?Division is a tribal o Messina (Olmec) not the tribes El sathe (Aztec) as believed. It is several hundred years after the downfall of Kingdom o c Messina. Maya (Maya), the tribes have established their own Kingdom based at the big ranges. In the South of the country, currently in Mexico by Yucatan peninsula extends from Central America cross to reach Chiapas Pacific coast and of the country. Guatemala, which has a hot climate, moisture, rain, suitable for growth of cacao by the Maya tribes called cacao as "cacahuaquchtl" and is believed to be God's tree. And (result) of cocoa okboriwen trunk is the gift of God to man.
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