Dong Luang district as of the chain. On the occasion of a large display, such as a wedding or a boon to ghosts.The ghost house, the House displays the chain even rank insignia (thang means that spawned knock-rank insignia) is showing that khan and.Rituals sacred There are no old men purely complex number of 6-10 people, divided into groups who sing, play music.And shows a unique paradise of extraordinary chain directly to the instrument. There is a 1.5-metre bamboo cooked color, size, number of exhibitors as to knock, a drum beat to the rhythm of music used was Canon to ching sound Samsung software, music, melodious and can draw tha, fun costumes. The original show used men enlisted to traditional clothing (wear tiao) is not wearing panties. Armed with a crossbow with a liquor drink or UMA. Women's participation shows the current and adjusted her dress. The men are wearing clothes by fabric series.Cotton sewing is set to the same. Women take the sarong, and used against the chest strap. Are DART header?
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