Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, was from the "able College". At King Chulalongkorn, graciously pleased. Founded in wat Mahathat, the 2432 before the royal new field. "MCU". When he had established a building สังฆิ Sena losteinkit College as a Buddhist University in 2009. 2439 by a hairdo intend to a college for higher education of 1 monks [] [2]. The operation of the college has started seriously when the 2490 by พระพิมลธรรม (choice) and a base unit ตฺตเถร operation to respectively has been upgrading as an Autonomous University in The 2540 pursuant to the law of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University in 2540 [3] President someone present is Brahma program (pedigree ธมฺมจิตฺโต).Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University The university is focused on the study of Buddhism is one of the world's 4 []. And the Central University Education of the important Buddhist clergy in the campus, the college conclave, resource center and the classroom. Spread to all regions of the country, at present, the open teaching in the 4 faculty. Covering both the degree Bachelor of Arts Degree in Buddhist Buddhist until looks theory scholar. International programs and English, including the 33 Branch [5] also established the Institute of research within the university to conduct research in the field of applied 6 [].Those who graduated from the University of MCU in the past. Obtain mercy. You to attend the commencement of the hand of the supreme patriarch. But, at present, there is no established the supreme patriarch formally. The Pope himself มหารั D class teacher. Those who perform the supreme patriarch. Is the president in the commencement to the graduates. From Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university until the present.
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