Hello, my dear!I usually reply your message as soon as I'm busy so late reply I'm sorry.I'm so happy when I send to you, baby. My job is busy everyday and tired, but I'm happy and enjoy the work, I have to take care of the nursing sick prisoners wereThe prisoner at the prison were 4430 has just 2 nursing people we should work hard every day, but I'm happy that take care of them even if they are as a prisoner, he is entitled to maintain rights they should get them pitiful SA.(no one wants to commit but made of each person is different, most poverty it oppressed them, so go wrong I never repeat them.Honey, your hard work? I was worried about you. Take care of your health.I miss you every day to see you soon, one day we met I'll wait for you I promise love and yearning relation good condition between us is more and more every day even though we haven't met but feeling good happens I say out.Sincere.If you come in, you'll stay here with me for a few days, I plan to work. If you know your schedule please tell me in advance.When the prisoner was ill. I will write to you again, I promise
love and care.
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