1. energy is the energy system of the robot, the robot has the energy, such as electric power power battery.New energy wakhlia etc.2. the mechanical system is what makes a robot working according to our order. And what is the level up so non-stop motion.Animation. Flying, etc.3. the control system is that it forces people often referred to as the brain is the part where we have to write the program so that the robot works according to the rep.The role and benefits of current cars in the past, hon, the future. 1. medicalIn the field of medicine Have begun to bring the robot robots came in to help do the surgery because the robot can work with higher resolution than the human will do, such as removing robot for brain surgery, which is necessary in the resolution on the surgery. The robot arm is a mechanical part in medical surgery. The operation of the robot robots in surgery is a surgical operation by doctors. In surgery, the robot mechanical arm, with the added participation will focus on safety.2. researchThe robot can do a survey of the research of the science exploring cooperation with human, such as the sea is very deep or exploring the area, the mouth of the crater, which is a dangerous man who could not risk the worker survey. Now a robot has been developed for use in research and survey. So the robots can withstand the environment and be able to control the robot in the remote control system with sensors installed at the robot to be used to measure distances and in different parts of science. 3. the industry.The robot starts with the role of technology in industry, as the industry. There is a demand for labour. Many workers to take employment in the industry Make the production cost of each industrial. Increase the number of higher and some industrial work can not be used to perform tasks as healthcare was. Sometimes it is dangerous, and the risk is or is to be quick and precise in production as well as the length of time savings. Make a robot made out of the industry.And there are also other aspects like the household entertainment. The stabilityThe robot that would occur in the future.
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