...... If we ask ourselves. And ask the people around you , or ask anyone for a lot of people that do what we want in life, people actually believe that. The answer turns out to be similar , but may differ on the depth and detail is very little difference between the individual and the only time it ....... the job. All people are born to work either as an employee or business owner we work to advance the freedom. The stability even at home. Comfortable ...... .. Financing We're doing it so much. Money we need money to take care of families, parents, children , we need money to buy a house, buy a car and property, we need money to build a solid. Debts we need the money for our education and the family ....... family. We also work to raise a family , we want to have a happy family. Warm , we want a girlfriend I have a husband / wife that we would have a good kid. Cute kids .......... happiness. Everything we do Is to seek happiness we want to be happy. Do not worry we want to be happy. Do not get sick , we would have kept the old guard. Retirement we are happy to put their leisure time.
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