Verse 12.When the maturity of this rental or tenant rental is due prior to the contract, cancellation or conduct this contract illegal tenants, and even one to assume the contract terminated immediately by other rental contracts must not. And who has the right to rent an electric suspension. Water and the phone immediately and allow tenants to rent back rental property as well as possession of property that is leased to ensure activities meet okong. 3.Immediately by a rental has the right to destroy the barrier, or perform any other ways to occupy the entire klang lets people rent moving people and things all tenants and houses away from the theme parks. As well as the rights to prohibit or obstruct access to tenants for rent dai. Any action of the rent klang If there is damage caused to the property of the tenant, such as broken or lost property. If the tenant, or obstruct or resist Steiner did not go out from home for rent. This is why people must be forced to sue for rent. Tenants agree to pay damages due to lack of interest in the use of the property for rent, for rent for cash once a day... Baht (United States of America) From the date the contract cancelled each other until a tenant moving stock items and donate today away from home for rent and rental can occupy the property for rent is a student.
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