ฉันรักแปลIn ancient China most men chose their wives by appearance, le การแปล - ฉันรักแปลIn ancient China most men chose their wives by appearance, le แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

ฉันรักแปลIn ancient China most men

ฉันรักแปลIn ancient China most men chose their wives by appearance, let alone the emperors. But during the Spring and Autumn Period, two ugly but virtuous and able women became imperial concubines in succession in a kingdom called Qi.

It is said there was a girl so ugly that her eyes sank deep in her face, sparse hair could hardly cover her head, and her skin was as dark as pitch. Born in Wu Yan, she was called after the place. Since she was so bad looking, she lived alone until her 40. At that time wars surged up between the kingdoms from time to time. One day Wu Yan summoned up courage and went to see the Emperor Xuan. When she was presented at court, she said, 'Your majesty, I would like to be at your service since our country is in great danger.' Of course, she was asked to explain why, 'It is in a chaotic state at home with two strong kingdoms, Qin and Chu, surrounding us. But your majesty haven't sensed the slightest danger at this moment of life and death.' The emperor was struck dumb with her words and gave up his luxurious life and put himself in efforts to make the country prosperous. Wu Yan was not only the spouse, but also a straight friend to the emperor.

Things came not singly but in pairs. Several generations later there lived in Qi another ugly girl. Since she had a tumor in her neck, she was named Su Liu. It was goiter in fact. Because of it, people kept away from her. Once Emperor Min went on a sightseeing tour to the suburbs. All the people crowded along the road while Su Liu concentrated on picking mulberry leaves. As she was called before the emperor, she explained she was doing her job wholeheartedly and not noticing things else. Emperor Min thought her a virtuous woman and wanted to take her back. And unexpectedly, she refused and said she should ask her parents' permission first. The emperor respected her will and held a grand marriage for her. Later she assisted in governing the country and brought peace and prosperity to people.

Written by our column writer Hao Zhuo.
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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Ek is lief vir die vertaling van In antieke China die meeste mense verkies hulle vroue voorkoms, laat staan ​​die Emperors. Maar gedurende die lente en herfs tydperk, het Twee lelike maar Deugsame en staat Vroue Imperial byvroue agtereenvolgens in 'n Koninkryk genoem Qi. Daar word gesê daar was. 'n meisie so lelik dat haar oë gesink diep in haar gesig, kon yl hare skaars haar hoof bedek, en haar vel was so donker soos toonhoogte. gebore in Wu Yan, het sy genoem na die plek. Sedert sy so erg op soek was, het sy. alleen gebly totdat haar 40. op daardie tydstip oorloë gestyg tot tussen die koninkryke van tyd tot tyd. Eendag Wu Yan gedagvaar moed en na die keiser Xuan sien. Toe sy aangebied by die hof, sê sy: "Jou heerlikheid, I. wil tot u diens sedert ons land is in groot gevaar. "natuurlik, is sy gevra om te verduidelik waarom:" Dit is in 'n chaotiese toestand by die huis met twee sterk koninkryke, Qin en Chu, rondom ons. Maar u majesteit. het nie voel die geringste gevaar op hierdie oomblik van die lewe en die dood. "die keiser was stom in haar woorde getref en het sy luukse lewe en sit hom in 'n poging om die land voorspoedig. Wu Yan was nie net die gade, maar. ook 'n reguit vriend van die keiser. Dinge het ook nie een-een, maar in pare. verskeie generasies later daar gewoon het in Qi ander lelike meisie. Sedert Sy het 'n gewas in haar nek, is sy as di Liu. Dit was goiter in werklikheid. As gevolg van. dit, mense weggehou van haar. Sodra keiser Min het op 'n besigtigingstoer na die voorstede. Al die mense saamgedrom langs die pad, terwyl di Liu gekonsentreer op pluk moerbeiblare. Soos sy genoem voor die keiser, het sy verduidelik dat sy haar doen. werk heelhartig en nie anders merk dinge. keiser Min het gedink haar 'n deugsame vrou en wou haar terug te neem. en onverwags, sy het geweier en gesê sy moet toestemming van haar ouers eerste vra. Die keiser gerespekteer haar testament en het 'n groot huwelik vir haar. . Later Sy hulp in die land te regeer en die vrede aanbring, en voorspoed aan die mense. Geskryf deur ons kolom skrywer Hao Zhuo.

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