Is a temple in the Hindu religion, the largest in the country, Indonesia? Located in the Central Java City of YogyakartaAbout 18 km east of town, built around the year 1390 BC, when it was not too long after. The temple was abandoned and in disrepair, is released by the passage of time until the 2461 (1918) (1918), it has started to rebuild the temple. Restoration of the main construction ended upon 2496 (1953) (in 1953)In the present. Pram BA Nan was honored as a world heritage site and is one of the places of worship in Hinduism, the largest in South East Asia. The temple architecture and the magnitude of prang, who reached the height of 47 meters.The stone castle. Pram BA Nan has been registered as a world heritage site at the UNESCO World Heritage Committee meeting proceedings; 15 times under the name "Tainan Temple group BA pram" when the city, 2534 (1991) car vintage. Country Tunisia With the specifications and guidelines to consider As follows:As an agent to show masterpieces that were developed by intelligent creations of man. As an example of the distinctive types of buildings as well as agents of cultural development. Society of fine arts, science, technology and industry in the history of humanity.Pram BA NaN (Prambanan) large Hindu places of worship and of Indonesia. Look among the places of worship Hin (Hindu Temple complex), located on Java island. (Java) (Thai called Javanese) Local man Tainan Temple, Indonesia called to warn that BA's rose. Book nest (Loro Jongrang Temple) is the place of worship of the great Hindu and magnificent stone carving patterns with splendid.
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