meaning and the impact of environmental toxicity 4.1
1. meaning of the questions, the "pollution pollution" is a term used in the Academy provided. In the year B.E. 2525 vocabulary used to replace old, the "pollution" that matches the English, the "Pollution Pollute" came from the questions, the "dirty" means, which may include the movement of human beings may be made, with the intention of leaving and did not mean to be desirable, which is not economically self on earth and atmosphere in the waterIt is a question, meaning that many people are as follows: "pollution" means pollution of environment environment with a balance of resources, and there is a poisonous toxins that affect human health. plants and animals (Kasem glass Monday,2525:116.) pollution of the environment means that the change of environment is not spam, it is the result of an act of มนุษย็ both directly and indirectly, the changes in the physical and biological organisms, perfect integration over cocktails.Or, the water produced from plant and animal (Andrews,1972: 4)
Pollution means that the environment has changed, whether it is the ambient condition changes the physical, chemical or BIO in the soil or air, which would also result in a danger to life or propertyThis is not a change that will directly or indirectly (Birthplace of glass include sensitivity, which acts,2531:13)
pollution of the environment means that there is no element, but it is suitable for the present, and back to get a poisonous or harmful to human health or to start the dance, J man such as an air-conditioned greenhouse gas emissions, there is a risk to health.The land is the accumulation of pesticides and water, which has oil stains or heavy metal, etc. (Perfect happiness fish life,25425 : 189.)
As a result, it could be concluded that "environmental pollution" or "environmental pollution" means that environmental conditions or substances contaminated with ml power results in a physical health and social causes deterioration.
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