Ice cold milk
2 egg yolks,
2 tablespoons sugar,
¼ teaspoon salt,
200 ml milk,
whipped cream, 350 ml
Red Syrup 50 ml
vanilla 1 teaspoon
red cherry children 8-10. Method 1. Put the egg yolks, sugar and salt, put together in a mixing bowl. Beat together until fluffy and light 2. Milk, whipping cream and vanilla together. Bring to fire medium-low heat until the mixture is poured milk into the egg mixture into the beaten egg at a time, not three. Bring the mixture to low heat. People constantly, until mixture thickens up until coated spoon. Or a temperature of about 75 degrees Celsius, four. Bring the mixture to a very minor remove the egg membrane. Leave to cool Then mix the juice into it. Stir well and 5. Cherry juice, cut into small pieces. Enter into the mixture, then refrigerate for 3-4 hours at 6. When the mixture cool and then blended in ice cream maker according to each program's seven. Scoop ice cream into a cup of cold milk Then serve it.
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