For the overall US, Beer Market GuestMetrics released the latest on-premise trends for the month of, July 2014 and it appears. World Cup has a positive impact for the US Beer Industry. Overall beer volumes improved in, the channel with a decreasing. Declining trend of - 2.4% vs. Q2 declines of - 3.6% and - 4.1% in Q1. The overall industry decline is still at around - 4% YTD.Beer in bars particularly benefitted from the World Cup. In fact bars saw, their best performance of the year this latest. Period with traffic, down - 0.9% for the month of July vs. A - 2.5% drop YTD. Meanwhile overall full, service restaurant and. Bar traffic was, down sequentially and traffic to casual dining deteriorated to down - 1.6% vs. Down - 1.2% YTD.
.Beer volumes benefitted from the channel trend as they improved sequentially in bars / clubs down - 1.3%, for the month of. July vs. Down - 3.9% YTD. Total on-premise beer improved, as well down - 2.4% in the month of July vs. Down - 3.8% YTD. For. Reference spirits volumes, were down - 2.2% the month, of July vs. - 0.9% YTD. Consumer Edge Research believes July showed. Signs of consumer spending softening.A weaker outlook on household income and geopolitical uncertainty caused "a pullback among both the high income and medium. Income groups (consistent with the recent soft trends in fine dining & the wine category). "It is still too early to determining. Whether this is a one-time event or the dawning of a larger pullback.
.When looking at the top 25 share-gaining and 25 share-losing breweries year-to-date it is, obvious that Craft Beers are. Taking the shares from regular beers. The top share-gaining brewers in the on-premise in order of share gains are Boston. Beer Constellation Beers Lagunitas,,,,, Bell 's Revolution Ballast Point New Belgium,,,, SweetWater Surly and Yuengling.Considering that on-premise is a good gauge of brand health and equity these are, the brewers that are winning, Conversely,. The largest share-losing brewers on-premise in order of largest share losses are Anheuser-Busch MillerCoors DGUSA NAB,,,,, Heineken, USA and Pabst.
For the month, of July SNA sales were at - 27.65% vs the, monthly target and - 4.11% vs. YTD, target. Comparing, to 2013SNA sales is at - 3.92% YTD which is in line with the industry trend despite the, focus in only Thai channel. Taking into. Account that there were 42 kegs (30L), sold in July the actual case-equivalent amount of sales, is 190 373 cases. In term. Of depletion we have, approximately 29 089 units, sold, in June which is - 1.38% vs. The same month of, last year or decline - 2.69%, YTDWhich is better than the US Beer industry trend. However this depletion, number also includes sales of, 111 kegs which. Actually gives an additional 310 units of cases equivalent. Singha Beer sales almost had no benefit from the World Cup which. Saw volume improvement in bars where Singha Beer is currently prohibited from expanding to this channel.
Shipment from Thailand. Is at 40 926 cases,,Bringing the YTD total shipment to the overall high YTD growth vs. Last year shipment contribute mainly, due to the fact. That shipment lead time from Thailand has increase significantly causing SNA having to stock more product in the, warehouses. This temporary shipment growth is for SNA to stock the product during the summer time.The growth discrepancy when comparing to SNA sales and distributor 's depletion will dissipate as the winter months come. In Q4. It will eventually be relatively in line with the actual sales trend.
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