* know India...
- India (India) or the name of that the Republic of China, with a population of 1.13 billion (largest 2 World). Has an area,, 3 287 590 square kilometers (the largest of the world 7)
.- the capital, New Delhi (New Delhi)
- the city of Mumbai center of trade, finance and transportation is an important port. And a source of Hindi film the biggest
.- city of Bangalore. As the center of industry, using advanced technology. Especially in information technology, electronics, aviation and space
.- Chennai city business center in southern India, the main industry is the automobile industry
- Calcutta, was the old capital of India. And is the largest city 2
.Education, climate, climate varies greatly due to the vast area north in the temperate zone, while the south is in the tropics. The average temperature in the summer, about 35 C and winter, about 10.Languages, Hindi is the language used by most people. English is the language used in government and business. There are hundreds of native language, but a very 14 language is Urdu, the Telugu, Tamil and Bengali, Punjabi
.Education, religion, Hinduism, and 81.3 percent percent Muslim 12 Christ 2.3 Sikh percentage 1.9 other (Buddhism and Jainism) per cent 2.5
- red-letter day national day. (Republic Day) on January 26
.System administration, India is a Democratic Republic in the parliamentary system. The president is the head of the country is divided into various state 28 state.
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