The Chairasmisak Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
of HR policies cp all companies have a strategic plan to create sustainable growth and profitability. Creates products and services that add value to customers and society through a process that emphasizes quality and agility to the organization. Including support for learning and culture. Employee Development With the corporate philosophy, vision and mission, the forces towards quality management throughout the organization, "
corporate philosophy
" We want a smile from a team that enjoyed the " vision " We offer convenience to all communities " mission. mission "aimed at building ties with customers. With products and services The innovative And build good relationships with the community and society " that HR policies are required to make the team happy. The team would like to work Fear not Monday It's fun, not stressful work colleagues as well. The management is friendly Caring for each other Every organization would love love love love the future prospects of the organization " to promote and encourage the study in conjunction with the work. The next level of higher education. Including a career-high as well. Control of mouth And spending on a daily basis, and can be seen from the seven states. Can reduce shoplifting, employee to just 0.3%, compared to an average of 1%, which was the theft of a rare occurrence , the culture of the organization in line with the behavior of people in organizations. This is like a stake to pin down indefinitely. To reduce the problem to occur later. For example Values that everyone wishes to have seven aspects brave spirit of truth, unity, respect others. Appreciate the beauty of life or integrity of leadership that is needed is 11, namely a sincere verbal feudal Piya Do not use power as a good model. There is justice, kindness, thoughtfulness social decision cultivating good open-minded. Or the right of employees: employees are considered extremely valuable resource. And key complementary business to achieve its goals. Thus, the fundamental rights of the employees develop and strengthen the ability of employees constantly and consistently. Structuring jobs with the progress in the work to clear the fields. About employment fair to allow such leave to transfer and provide a communication channel between employees and senior management. To understand the problem and listen to various opinions. Employees directly from the welfare needs of the staff, including medical staff and family. The life and health insurance staff Provident Fund Joint Investment Program for Employees (Employee Joint Investment Program - EJIP) providing scholarships to employees. Children and staff Welfare borrow money in case the patient. Loan program for housing, etc., and give priority to security staff. By providing a fire drill. Provide defense system Event security ..... Read on: Https:// (Ngowtummatat, 2,014th) (CP All, 2,016th) (Pungrampan, two thousand and ten) by Leading Teams 10/02 Communicating Expectations requirement and unequivocally communicate expectations and. demand clear communication (Communication) is the key to another administration. If there is no communication Ordering the crew to complete any work went well. Would be difficult Imagine that you If control subordinates at work, without speaking, listening, reading, writing, and then work it out with you? Most executives, some popular communication is one-way. He ordered subordinates to do this without speaking to ask for a review. It may be available in certain circumstances. But some situations, the two-way communication that is essential in the age of globalization. The two-way communication that requires skill and craftsmanship of the supervisor is very much in command of the organization , which is the heart of good communication, control and reduce conflicts between his followers. Or between supervisors and subordinates It has to do with how I was observing. Clear understanding of what his needs and feelings that are hidden inside. If communication is not everything in good working poor. The crew took the opportunity to talk to the problems he faced. The open-door policy to hear (Open the door Policy) attracted a strong supporter to put into words the emotions or the emotions like telling subordinates to alter the way it works. His resignation The chief problem Organizational issues, etc. Do not think the complaint is no work, no problem. The problem is that when the time comes. It's too late to fix You may not get cooperation from their counterparts in the share issue. On the other hand, faced with the problem alone, ordering people to work that way, so it's very easy to make, but his confidence in the courage to speak. I commented that It is very difficult The supervisor must be a good listener. Not only was the eloquent only. But good communication, not just talk. It includes facial expressions, gestures, tone of the chief benefits of a good listener and an organization can be enormous. Also creative in every aspect to make the work of the organization and has more perfect. It creates a competitive edge to compete with other businesses. Be sure to communicate to everyone in the organization is the recognition that organizations of all people. Not a supervisor, manager or executive one.
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