Articles in this issue show the change of pressure due to the power supply in the area far away from the station which is the main electrical power network system to believe in very small electric to the quality by considering two cases studies isThere are a short distance away from the main power and the state, the study found that in the independent state power to alleviate fluctuations of electrical power produced from PV generator system with a good size of tank battery power.and to improve the quality of electricity is to be defined criteria in the separate state independent found that the use of the right size BESS presented in the article can improve the quality of electrical power produced by PV generator and can reduce the burden of power.The generator at the time of capacity PV generator with sufficient amount of power to the load capacity of state power outage.
The clean energy that does not cause global warming and mitigate current energy crisis PV generator so that the growth is not only more environmentally friendly PV generator also allows power network system.It also helps raise the pressure in the system is far from sources, in terms of quality standards, to reduce the electrical power loss in the system as it is installed near the generator, especially PV1 MW MW up to 20 (1) most of which are connected to the distribution system or transmission system sub pay, however, the volatility of the power produced by a generator PV transformed by high-value state of the air.
distribution system the electricity most of the area is a traditional centralized because there is a limited power source Mae - Sariang Micro-grid system at Mae Sarieng District, Mae Hong Son province in this case study, as well.106 Km.From the station there is an electric current main low short-circuit 100 - 200 amps, it is a system of weak voltage level is changed to the high value when loading or production changes and sudden drop, minimize the impact on the quality of electricity.Micro-grid system is connected to the power supply and send PV generator that is produced by the volatility of the output power is rated high. MW 4 is installed in the system close to the station in the district electric Mae SariengTherefore, this paper has presented the improvement of the quality of the electrical power produced from PV generator with battery power with the tank with the size of the work with PV BESS generator
CONCLUSION this article presents the alleviate the problems quality electric power supply in the area due to send away from the station electrical
homeThe impact of the volatility of the power supply from the PV generator is connected in the area with the BESS to improve the quality of electrical power produced from PV generator
With the size of the need to improve the quality of sufficient power
in both state power and state separate independent
test results found that must be used in a normal power state rated power and the power of BESS kJ 191.525 and 3,349.4 kW respectively and, in separate conditions, independent of power network system when considering the production of sufficient PV generator with demand for energy load of
to help reduce the burden of power generator Diesel
To use a range of electric power and energy BESS Ajarn kJ and 3,350.4 respectively kW
make it possible to maintain the quality electricity at the access point, in accordance with criteria specified in the state
separated from independent power network system
homeThere is a need to use a higher rated BESS in normal conditions as a result of this change of high-pressure than in normal circumstances the power
generally, separate state occurs only during the time the independent
short, only.Therefore, the consideration is installed BESS coverage to both case studies, it is important
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