From Ayutthaya Ayutthaya dynasty ruled the first two days of the reign of king ruled 20 years with two he was one of King Rama 1 (God AEL) 20-year reign 2. Ramesuan. Reigning No. 1 hit that year usurper regime change new gold landscape dynasty ruled two times the first 18 years of a king in the first place. It is the second one. His Majesty the first (Kunhlwg the sill) 18-year reign 2. Thong Lan. (The gold municipalities), the reigning seven-day period, the first 18 years of the ruling dynasty gold landscape from 1913 to 1931 , then was back again usurper regime U Thong dynasty era that two 21-year reign, the king is the second episode. 1. Ramesuan latter two seven-year reign 2. Ramaracha reigned 14 years, including two-time reigning dynasty U 41 years with the three kings and the royal dynasty gold Landscape latter two come back strongly. The two times larger than the original 160-year reign of King 1. In emperor (the Princess Royal ultrathin) 15-year reign, Her Majesty 2. Majesty 2 (Chao Sam Phraya) - 24 years 3. Queen Trailokkanat. - 40 years Majesty the King 4. 3-3 years 5. King Rama 2. (The Setthathirath) - 38-year 6. His Majesty the four (Bud's successor) - 4 years, 7. King Ratsadathirat child - four months Chairacha 8 - 13 years 9. King. Blue (blue glass) - two years Mahachak 10. King Emperor - 20 years, 11 King Mahindra royal one year (lost in time. 1) Landscape ruling dynasty gold two days, including 178 in the first year it was established in 2112.
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