PAM power steering slowly, People who live in the passenger seat. Look at her from behind the glasses and look back scheme clip his board and make some investigating. PAM tries to pull out of the parking spot is slow. But her feet and she slipped press on the gas too hard. The car pulled back immediately, and she almost crashed into a parked van the man scowled you and make examination on his clipboard, he said. Dryly "turn right here." beads of sweat on his forehead the incorporation of PAM, you rock out of the parking lot. Now you are going to travel on the 15 miles per hour than stroke. Limited speed traffic accumulate behind her People who make the inspection in a few on his clipboard and write a comment "left turn at this stop," he said, PAM slowly turned left, but she did not stop. Many cars honked and then she ran to the curb and crashed into a vending machine newspapers. The man do a quick check several on his clipboard and said, "OK, we"re done here. กรุณาร in the passenger seat.). I drove back to the place. ".8. What did she do?.How do you know this?...The answer that advice.PAM is the driving test..The answers.I know this because she is driving around with a man that she does not know, and he seems to have been the performance evaluation..9. Who has the PAM?.How do you know this?...The answer that advice.He seems to be who scored her driving test.The answers.I know this because he carried the clipboard, he made notes and he will help the direction specific PAM and follow them..10. Information is the on his clipboard?.How do you know this?...The answer that advice.He seems to be lighted exit points of PAM and writing the reasons why..The answers.I know this because PAM is driving alarming and he wrote more mistakes you make.
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