By a special resolution of the extraordinary general meeting, the ฑริ้ง that 2 / 2550 on 23 February 2550 แถะ conferences and extraordinary shareholders. The 3 / 2550 on 12 March 2550 amended 1 regulations, an 4. Of the company are as follows:
."The 4. Tell นฃอ company defined amount. Two thousand five hundred forty eight million one hundred and thirty thousand and seven thousand nine hundred baht (,,, 2 548 137 900) divided into twenty five million four hundred and eighty thousand thousand three hundred and seventy. Nine stocks (25 481,,379) and divide the shares of the company are divided into 2 type, as this is
(1). Stock group A. is preferred since the number 1 to number 510, number 1001 to number 10690, number 20001 to number and เลฃ 1275303 targets. 2481380 to number and 14211379
(2).Securities Group B. shares from number to number is 511 1000, number 10691 to number 20000, number 1275304 ถึงหมายเลข 2481379 and number 14211380 to numbers. "I assure you 25481379
text accurately match the United Nations meeting above
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