Land lease agreement lease land.
this contract put up at home เลขที่............ The road... The... The... District / eye l... To...... the... Ah district / county......... Of... In... The... The... To... To... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To...?
between... And...Land lease agreement lease land.
this contract put up at home เลขที่............ The road... The... The... District / eye l... To...... the... Ah district / county......... Of... In... The... The... To... To... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To...?
between... And...Land lease agreement lease land.
this contract put up at home เลขที่............ The road... The... The... District / eye l... To...... the... Ah district / county......... Of... In... The... The... To... To... To... The... To... To... To... To... To... To...?
between... And...To... To... To... To... The... The age. "... years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To... The... The road...... to...?
sub / eye..............). County / district... Ah... To... The... To... In... The... The... The... The...... the...?
, which further in the contract is called "lessor" one
... To...The parties agree to apply leases the land has the following statements
1 lessor ตกลงให้เช่า and tenants agreed rent land of the lessor a number of meat.........).
...... work...... meters. According to the เลขที่.........To... To... The... The... The... The age. "... years. In บ้านเลขที่...... To... The... The road...... to...?
sub / eye..............). County / district... Ah... To... The... To... In... The... The... The... The...... the...?
, which further in the contract is called "the tenants", the other one
.Article 3 the Lessee agrees to rent to the lessor tea monthly. And tea to advance rent within a day... To... The... Of the month, every month!The two parties agree to rent land together define the time...... years. Since the day that... That...?
the... The... The... The...
.An eye on L...... ah District... To... In... The...?
... To... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...... to... In rental rates per month.........,...).
(... To... To... To... To... The... The... The... The...))
.Article 7 the tenants agree not to dig a pit, Gu, or applied by any Which makes the land of the lessor damages unless approved in writing by the lessor
.Article 6 the tenants agree not to use the land rent to something else except as specified in the contract 1 unless permission is a book from the lessor
.Article 4 the Lessee agrees to rent to the lessor Na to tea at landscape Lanao of lessor
No. 5. The rent agreed as the tea tax land instead of the lessor
.Article 9 the tenant agrees to the saddle to the lessor or disabled representative of land rental lessor surveillance every time every time!Article 10 if the lessor agreed to sell the land rent before retiring to determine according to this contract, lease the lessor Must inform tenants know in advance is not less than... Of...Article 8 the tenants agree not to field land rent to others sublease or transfer of leasehold according to this contract to others. Unless approved in writing by the lessor
.Article 11 if the tenant rent an one promise. As with any or several combined well, the lessor has the right to tell. Tenants to perform this contract or terminate the said contract. And call the damages from the tenants immediately
.Months to sell in the price to the tenant will have the opportunity to fall when bought? Before preparing to leave or to the tenant land rent
.Article 12 If the tenant must leave the land rent it somehow. The tenants had no right to sue or ค่ารื, to withdraw from the lessor
.This contract put up a. Two message matching the both sides. Read and understand texts in this contract through. That the real intention of the parties. The sign, is of importance in front of the witness.Article 13 in Vantaa this lease tenant land rent check that the normal and the lessor, deliver the land rent to tenants and
.... the... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To...)
.Sign... Of... Of... The... The... The... The lessor.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To...).
sign... Of... To... To... To... The... The... The tenants.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To...).
sign... Of... To... To... To... To... The... The witness.
(... To... To... To... To... To... To...).
sign... Of... To... To... The...
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