The risk ญั ญตั., signs, even with and relieve the public ภยั of 2550 section 4 บัญญตั. ไวว้. "Do
public ภยั means that อคั. คีภยั. วาต. ภยั flood. ภยั. ภยั and epidemics in human and veterinary technology leading to epidemic disease
.Veterinary epidemic outbreak of ศตั air hole ภยั plant, as well as other อนั, affecting the public. ไม่วา, due to nature, with the end
, to happen. อุบตั. The accident or any other reasons, which cause danger to life. The body of the People
.Or damage to other people, eating or of the state "from ญั ญตั. Role, ดงั said water ภยั so means
ภยั public resulting from it more. Which the. กิดอนั danger to life, and the body of the people, or damage the
.Old disruption of the people, or of the state.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..