1) define target operating around activities that must be considered in complete detail. 2) calculation of the cost of a resource or factor (Input) that are used in the activity of all logistics, using various accounting documents, calculated by each factor to determine the cost that each section contains much expense. All these data will appear in the document, it should ask for cooperation from the accounting department and other relevant departments to collect data. 3) brings the cost of the resources spent on each side that is calculated in step 2 and be a very individual yatam activities by the number of times that the actual performance. Without fixed definitions that would distribute the cost of resources to activities which are classified as many sub-activities or activity is large and will require appropriate according to the actual situation of the organization. When you are finished with this step, who analyzed the data, the cost of all activities. 4) present a detailed costing activities. 5) data collection workload of each activity, which refers to the number of times the activity of. What should be noted is that the activities of each agency is different. Typically, the Agency has been recording information in this manner, there is very little. Most of those analyzed must be filed into the real operations traffic operating in that even though it is quite difficult, but the result is worth it because the information that is required for analysis. To bring to managing an effective logistics. In particular, improve the system of control and distribution management, advancement with higher efficiency. 6) calculate the cost per unit of activity, taking the total cost of each activity is divided by the. Operating consumption
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