Island" is located.Chonburi, Pattaya is located just 7 km away from the coast, boat ride, 45 minutes was up to (sit down to eat, enjoy the wind view) if traveling by boat speed will take only 15 minutes (really fast) is approximately 4 square kilometers.
most stimulated by visitors to the Island of the sea, swim because this very clear, but it is still cold, with joy, that I had to do was searched, some floating on the water, he was clear, enjoy Ajarn again.the so-called "cold peace body "Is this AjarnOr you can choose to see the coral reef Scuba diving water sports, whether it is a "Boat drag parachute" for those who like terrors" ski boat" for those who like the challenge or will choose to take gaming to the "scooter" was not one that
Start with the "beach and a ring" is located in the north of the island is a long beach approximately 750 million meters are the beauty of the nature because it has a white sandy beach and crystal clear water, blue sky.There is also a souvenir shop. lined along the beach.. let me tell you, it's definitely one leg shopping
For a "Beach sung." The adjacent to the "Beach and "There is a 150 meters long with the peace, it is the most popular of European tourists like the sun Beach, however, will be most beautiful sung during the month of December - April
Or you can choose to relax at the Beach with a small quiet for visitors who want to relax, it is a private beach, a hermit", which is the main activity is diving for Coral Beach area which is connected to the beach and a ring, 2and there is a short walk to see the coral under the water-Sea Walker popular tourist service, use the visitors who love the coral, but don't like to dive in at the beach, there is a glass-bottomed boat, you can go down to see the coral. Closely
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