Portugal's economy is a free market economic system. European Community member countries as Portugal take the European Union's regulations. When the year 2535 (1992), Portugal has participated in the exchange mechanism (Exchange Rate Mechanism-ERM), which is the starting point of the economic system, and to the European Monetary Union, as. Portugal can maintain the value of money s CU domain stable throughout, as well as to control the budget deficit and public debt, qualified in the European Union set the rate to Portugal can take money from January 1 euro 2544 (2001), together with the other 11 Nations by denomination exchange rate s CU in Portugal, the domain of the domain for 1 euro 200.482 s Koo, and given the European Central Bank (European Central Bank) exchange rate of mandates of the euro countries.After a year's membership to the European Union (r. 1986) Portugal 2529 has accelerated the development of the country, especially in the economic and social development so that other Member countries with equal importance is the development of infrastructure in many projects such as adding a rail system improvements Highway. Underground building waste water treatment systems and poor community development, etc. Such a development has been supported by the European Union Cohesion Fund framework such that in Portugal received over 20 billion us dollars, and the European Regional Development Fund, which is in the frame for the year 2542 (1999), Portugal received 3.1 billion u.s.Currently Portugal has developed itself from a poor country in the Group of the European Union (EU) countries that have the highest economic growth rate in the European Union. 4. Portugal's economy expanded at a fast, equivalent to the European countries in the region have already achieved that result from Government policy, State enterprises, accelerated processing and investment promotion and tourism, including the interest rate trend lower until the equivalent of other Member countries.Ngothaphap economic and financial (EMU) is reduced from the average level of 10 per cent and 12 per cent as the average 4-5 on the year 2541 (1998,) these factors encouraged the great investment and economic growth, particularly in the year 2541 (1998,) which held Expo ' 98 in Lisbon. As a result, construction activities throughout the year 2541 (1998 r.) 12 percent expansion such as Vasco da Gama Bridge-enabled, which is a bridge over the river Tamar sahaeng, the second of the Quran. Because there are no significant natural resources, Portugal, especially mineral or energy loan. Portugal's economy is so dependent on the sectors, especially tourism, which made revenue of about 4.8 billion us dollars per year from the tourists who travel to Portugal for about 12 million people a year. Other important sources of income of Portugal is a medium-sized industry and shall. Agricultural income tax taxation (especially the oil tax, which store up to 34 per cent), value added tax (which is stored per cent 5-17) rent Azores Islands military base of u.s. revenue from Portugal and from working in a foreign country each year, about 3.1 billion us dollars by the year 2542 (1999), Portugal has given the 3.3 billion from the us dollar, which is 41 percent came from France.In the current economic conditions.In the rate of economic growth is slowing, and Portugal's starting at 1.2 per cent-in the year 2546 (2003) is lower than the average rate for the European Union, which is the reason it is important that the 0.7 percent higher oil prices around the world make a living. While Portugal's economy is slowing down. The export value was reduced from 23.6 billion us dollars in the year 2542 (1999), the rest of the United States in the year of 21.9 billion dollars to 2543 (2000) Best imports worth only us $ 36.2 billion in the original is because people's purchasing power decreases, intake decreases continuously throughout the year 2543 (2000)Portugal's GDP in the year 2543 (2000) decreased from the previous year to 99.8 billion us dollars because of the weak economic conditions and the value of the euro. The average income per head (GDP per capita) is reduced from USD 9964 same reason. Economic growth stood at 3.3 percent to 3.8 percent unemployment, trade deficit of about 12 billion us dollars on average per year for the year 2543 (2000) The increased deficit is 14.3 billion us dollars due to falling exports. Gold and exchange reserves reduced public debt, 13.9 billion us dollars from overseas with 13.6 billion u.s. dollars. With a financial deficit of 1.5 percent of GDP in the year 2543 (2000) foreign investment in Portugal to include about 30 billion us dollars, while foreign investment in Portugal 12 billion u.s. dollars.นักเศรษฐศาสตร์เห็นว่า การพัฒนาเศรษฐกิจของโปรตุเกสอย่างเร่งรัดและการเติบโตอย่างรวดเร็วต่อเนื่อง ทำให้เศรษฐกิจของโปรตุเกสเข้าสู่สภาวะ overheat และมีการใช้จ่ายสูง สิ่งที่เห็นได้ชัดเจนคือ หนี้สินในครัวเรือนได้เพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อยๆ จากร้อยละ 20 ของรายได้ในปี 2533 (ค.ศ.1990) เป็นร้อยละ 92 ในปี 2543 (ค.ศ.2000) เงินเฟ้อของโปรตุเกสมีอัตราสูงถึงร้อยละ 2.8 สูงกว่าอัตราเฉลี่ยของสหภาพยุโรปซึ่งอยู่ที่ระดับร้อยละ 2.3 การขาดดุลบัญชีเดินสะพัดเพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมาก และอสังหาริมทรัพย์มีราคาการเพิ่มขึ้น แม้ว่ารัฐบาลโปรตุเกสจะตระหนักถึงปัญหาดังกล่าว แต่ก็ไม่สามารถใช้มาตรการทางการเงินมาแก้ไขปัญหาได้ เนื่องจากติดขัดที่ระเบียบของสหภาพการเงินยุโรป นอกจากนี้ โปรตุเกสไม่สามารถควบคุมรายจ่ายของรัฐได้ ดังจะเห็นได้ว่า งบประมาณ 2544 (ค.ศ.2001) ยังคงมีโครงการที่เพิ่มการใช้จ่ายของภาครัฐอย่างต่อเนื่องต่อไปThe industry. Portugal is a small country and does not have much resources. The former agricultural and energy must be imported. Especially oil from foreign countries, all The most important economic development is changing from an economy that is the Foundation of agriculture and fisheries as are the industrial economy, production and service sectors. As a result, Portugal's economy grew rapidly and evenly in a 3.5 per cent rate, which is higher than the average level of the European Union. Portugal does not have a heavy industry. Portugal's main industries include a restaurant and a traditional.
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