Bhumibol Adulyadej. Her birthday in the Izu Peninsula, which calls one of the dynasty at Mount Auburn hospital, the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. On Monday, lunar month, up 12 dinner, rabbit, 1289 grantor. Coup d falls on 5 September 2470 which cause the company in the United States. Because the Queen Mother's education and academic dentistry there when the 2471 has certainly going back to Thailand with dentistry He graduated M.D. degree which honors from Harvard University, USA, along with Pope foundation, DOI Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and by sat at srapathum palace later date 24 September 2472 HRH Prince collision died. While the king was less than two years old. Mayu professor 2475 when grow older has 4 in education. Entered the study at mater Dei until May 2476 thus JMP sit at เมืองโลซาน, Switzerland. Along with the queen mother and brother king in the ensemble sisters common ground for education and พระพล work three ัยข two brother king in common ground. Then he studies students at miremont เมืองโลซาน. Last month in September 2477 he studies French. German and English, and he entered the school.É Cole นูแวล de Su E mans freedom. The city ชายี - sur - Lausanne, Switzerland. 2488 study until he received letters from school diploma through ฌีม with Glamorgan sik Caen when are de Lausanne (Gymnase Classique Cantonal de Lausanne) and to study at Purdue University, Department of science.Bhumibol Adulyadej, He is the king, one of the world's most work he His duties there. The conservation of natural resources and environment for medical and public health education, the religion, the domestic security International relations. In art, culture and sport.But the king.
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