30 mg SDS and 15 mg of 2-HIYPMI was added to 40 mL of aqueous solution containing 0.8 g alumina and its pH was adjusted to 10 by addition of dilute KOH
30 mg SDS and 15 mg of 2-HIYPMI was added to 40 mL of aqueous solution containing 0.8 g alumina and its pH was adjusted to 10 by addition of dilute KOH
30 mg SDS and 15 mg of 2-HIYPMI was added to 40 mL of aqueous solution containing 0.8 g alumina and its pH was adjusted to 10 by addition of dilute KOH.
30 mg SDS and 15 mg of 2-HIYPMI was added to 40 mL of aqueous solution containing 0.8 g alumina and its pH was adjusted. To 10 by addition of dilute KOH .